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Jackson walked throughout the streets of Port Charles. It wasn't quite the town he imagined his old friend to end up settling in but it would do. As he walked through the park, he stumbled into someone as they were both looking down at their phones.

"Sorry-" he spoke as he locked eyes with the beautiful woman before him. "I wasn't watching where I was going." He said with a charming smile as his eyes briefly scanned her petite figure.

"No, that was my fault." She replied back as she looked up from her device. Her soft hazel eyes connected with his and it was like the air shifted between them in that moment. She'd be lying if she said this man wasn't gorgeous. She could see the peak of a tattoo on his neck, which only added to his beauty.

"Sorry," he apologized, "I'm kind of new in town."

"Really?" She asked, figuring that's got to be the only reason she's never seen him before, "You'll get the hang of this place quick! It's a small town once you know your route."

"I'm supposed to be headed to a friends place but I honestly have no clue if I'm going the right way." He confessed to her as he looks around curiously at the street signs.

"Where are you headed? I can point you in the right direction." She offered since she practically has every street known to heart.

"Ruby Street? My friend has a pent house there." He told her, glancing at the address on his phone.

"You're gonna keep going down this street to the light, take a left and go through the next light until you pass the post office. You'll see it once you get down there." She informed him with a warm smile.

"Thank you- Miss?" He ask her name to fill in the blank.

"Kristina. Kristina Corinthos-Davis." She replies with an extended hand.

"Jackson Thomas." He replies as he shakes her hand lightly to introduce himself. "Hopefully I'll see you around." He responds with a quick charming wink as he begins to walk away.

"Let's hope I gave good directions then!" Kristina shouts back with a flirtatious grin as she watches his fine figure walk away.

Jackson followed Kristina's directions as she told. He took a left and walked until he reach the post office. Ruby Street was right across from the post office, clear as can see. He entered the building and prepared himself for what came next. With each step, he thought about what he was going to say to her. After all this time he even questioned if coming here was the right decision. He would never know until he got here. Now he was at her doorstep, ready to face the past.

He knocked on the door and within seconds it was open. Their gazes met instantly, Sam clearly not expecting to see him, she stood still for a moment.

"Sammy... How ya been?" He asked looking around at the place and life she has set for herself. "Pretty well?"

"Jackson." She stated cold, glancing over his appearance. He looked almost the exact same if wasn't for the specks of maturity in his face, as well as his groomed facia hair. "What're you doing here?" She asked confused, thinking he'd be the last person she'd ever see in a long long time.

"Can I come inside? It might take a minute to explain." He asked and she moved aside letting him in pent house. He looked around and took in the life she had. His eyes scanned over the pictures over the fireplace of her and Jason. "You're a mom now." He shifted his eyes to a picture of her with Danny and Scout. "You've really made a life for yourself." He added a compliment as he observed her place.

"Jacky." Sam replied with a short snappy tone, crossing her arms together as she eyed her friend. She wasn't sure what he was up to or even who he was now. Sam stopped keeping tabs on him a long time ago. "Cut the small talk. What do you want?" She stated meeting his gaze.

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