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"I broke up with Valerie last night." Kristina spoke, earning a shocked expression from her sisters. They sat in Kelly's Diner, eating brunch as she updated them on her relationship status.

"What?" Molly asked in shock, "What happened? I thought things were going well?" Sam listened to her little sister's question before looking at her pregnant sister. She knew exactly what happened, or should she say who happened.

"I didn't want to admit it but it got to the point where I couldn't deny it." Kristina paused before telling them, "I still have feelings for Jackson."

"Does he know this?" Molly asked, "That you still have feelings for him?"

"I think he could pick up on it but we haven't said anything to each other. Or done anything." Kristina clarified to them. "We've had a few moments lately and if it keeps happening, I think it could lead to something. Which is why I had to be honest with Valerie and break up with her. She could sense something was off and I didn't want to hurt her more than I already have."

"I'm proud of you for being honest." Sam finally spoke, looking at her sister. "With her and yourself." Sam knew her sister. Sam knew deep down her sister wasn't truly over Jackson, she was just hurt by his actions.

"What do you want to do moving forward?" Molly asked, wondering what her sister wanted to do next.

"I don't know." Kristina shook her head as a mixture of thoughts ran through her head. "I'm about to give birth in a couple months."

"What do you think Jackson's reaction is going to be when he finds out you and Valerie aren't together anymore?" Molly questioned, trying to get a more direct answer from her sister.

"He will probably be happy? Relieved?" Kristina questioned, "I know he still cares about me."

"Of course he still cares about you." Sam and Molly said in unison. They both knew Jackson was in love with their sister.

"Maybe you should sit down with him and have an honest conversation about where your feelings are at with each other." Sam advised.

"You're probably right." Kristina agreed, getting slightly nervous at the thought of the conversation.

"So, where are your feelings at with him?" Molly asked, trying to get some sort of explanation from her sister.

"I think..." Kristina took a deep breathe, "I think I love him." She finally admitted, feeling relieved at her confession.


Valerie gathered her bag after finishing a brutal workout at the gym. She tried to use it as an outlet to release all her anger and hurt from the break up. Only a week had passed but everything was still fresh. Part of her felt embarrassed for not realizing this would happen. As she turned to exit, she ran into the man who was the contributing factor to her split with Kristina.

"Excuse me." Valerie spoke, her tone short and stern. Anger illuminating from her presence.

"Apologies, detective." Jackson spoke softly, ignoring her attitude.

"Are you?" The woman snapped, "Are you sorry?!" Her voice rose, causing a few people in the gym to glance their way. "Has she come running back into your arms yet?" Valerie asked with a snarky tone.

"What are you talking about?" Jackson asked the woman confused at why she was being so hostile towards him.

"You don't know?" Valerie let out a laugh. "Kristina broke up with me." She informed him, slightly shocked that Kristina hadn't gone back to him right away. "I guess I can't compete with the fact that she's having your baby." She added once more before walking out of the gym. Jackson stood their speechless. He hasn't seen Kristina since their Lamaze class appointment.

Jackson went about the work day as usual. His mind pondering on his interaction with Valerie. Did Kristina break up with her because of him? He wondered. So many thoughts went through his mind. After closing the gym for the night, he went home to his apartment. Eating leftovers and sipping a beer as he turned on the tv to distract him for the night. A knock on his door broke his attention to the television. He wasn't expecting anyone but he got up to get the door anyone. Briefly looking through the hole in the door, he opened it right away.

"Kristina, is everything okay?" He asked her, wondering if something was wrong with the baby.

"Can I come in?" She asked him as he nodded. She walked inside, taking a brief look around at his apartment. He had gotten a few new furniture items since when he first moved in. He seemed to be more settled in. The last time she was there, she walked out on him. He followed her over to the couch, taking a seat next to her. She glanced down at her stomach before looking up at him to speak.

"I broke up with Valerie." She finally spoke, almost feeling like she was making a confession.

"I'm sorry that must have been hard for you." His voice gentle and sweet. "I actually ran into her today at the gym." Jackson added, "She was not happy to see me."

"Oh, gosh, I'm sorry. I can imagine she wasn't very friendly." Kristina apologized immediately, knowing Valerie's distaste for Jackson.

"It's okay. She's upset." Jackson reasoned with a shrug. He didn't take anything Valerie said to heart. "I'll admit I'm a little shocked that you broke up with her." He admitted to her.

"Are you?" Kristina asked him, tilting her head slightly as her hand fell into his.

"I just didn't think you would do it." Jackson responded with a smirk, their hands fidgeting together before he interlocked them.

"Honestly, I didn't either." Kristina agreed. "Recently, I feel like I don't need to be guarded around you anymore. I feel safe around you." Her hands caressed along his arms as they landed on his neck.

"That's all I want, Kristina." He told her with a smile. "To protect you and this baby. To keep you both safe... To love you. Kristina, I love you." He spoke, keeping eye contact with her to assure her of what he was saying.

"I love you too, Jackson." She responded, saying those three magic words back to him. Smiles planted on both of their faces. "Kiss me, Jackson." Her voice soft and inviting. He didn't speak another word before closing the gap between them, sealing a long awaited kiss to her lips. They remained in this embrace as long they could, feeling the warmth and tender touch of each other.

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