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"Can I get you something to eat?" Alexis asked as she helped Kristina get settled on the couch.

"I'm not hungry." She responded to her mother.

"Are you nauseous?" Alexis asked wanting to make sure she was okay.

"Mom, stop." Kristina shook her head with a grin.

"I'm sorry, just when I think about what could have happened." Alexis told her daughter as she sat down by her feet.

"But it didn't." Kristina corrected her mother.

"I know but when you're a mom you're going to understand this kind of worry because you're always dealing with hypotheticals and 'what if's.' I'm sorry I got so upset at the hospital." Alexis apologized to her daughter, taking a deep breathe. "You'll know that feeling soon." She added, referring to her unborn grand baby.

"I risked my life for a stupid phone. You have every right to be mad. I mean, I'm mad." Kristina agreed with her mother as she put a hand on her stomach, she was grateful nothing happened to the growing life inside her.

"What I'm trying to say— admit-tingly not always well— is that I love you, sweetie. I love you so much." Alexis assured her daughter.

"And what I'm trying to say— admit-tingly not always well— is thank you for loving me and that I love you too." Kristina smiled back at her mother. They ended their conversation with a much needed hug. Alexis wrapped her arms around her, cherishing her healthy daughter.

After a moment, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. "That's probably Molly, she's probably here with your prescription." Alexis got up to go see who it was.

When she opened the door, Valerie stood on the other side. "I heard what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I was working a case all day." She told them both, feeling terrible that she wasn't there sooner.

"It's okay. Kristina's doing well." Alexis informed her as Valerie rushed over to greet Kristina with a hug.

"My mom's right. I'm okay, you don't have to worry." Kristina assured her.

"Too late, I'm already worried." Valerie commented as she looked over Kristina, making sure there wasn't a scratch on her.

"Mom, can you give us a moment?" Kristina looked at her mother.

"Yes, I'm going to head out and help Molly get the kids to bed." Alexis nodded, knowing what her daughter needed to discuss.

After Alexis left, the couple rested in each other's embrace for a moment. "There's something I need to tell you." Kristina spoke up, as she shifted to look at Valerie. "As I got admitted to the hospital tonight, the doctors informed me that I'm pregnant." She could see the shock on Valerie's face. "8 weeks. I don't know how I didn't notice before."

"What are you going to do? Does he know?" Valerie asked referring the father of the baby.

"I haven't spoken to him yet. I don't even know if he knows I was involved in the explosion." Kristina explained.

"What does this mean for us? I know we haven't exactly labeled each other girlfriend and girlfriend yet but... isn't that what we are?" Valerie asked, wondering where their relationship now stood.

"Yes." Kristina nodded, "But is this what you want? To be dating someone who's having a baby?"

"I love you, Kristina." Valerie confessed, "I will stand by your side through this." She told her, taking her hand.

"This." Kristina looked down at her stomach, referring to her unborn baby "is forever."

"I know." Valerie nodded, "and so are we." She added, sealing the statement with a kiss.


Kristina thought to herself, wondering what she was going to do. She was just starting to feel like she was getting over him and starting fresh with Valerie. Now she was having his baby. They're going to be forever connected. After she took a moment to process the news for herself, she made her way to confide in the one person she knew she could count on.

"Hey, Krissy," Sam's voice spoke through the telephone as she saw that her sister came to visit her.

"Hey," Kristina smiled, happy to see her sister in one piece.

"How're you feeling?" Sam asked her, scanning her features.

"I'm pregnant." Kristina blurted out.

"I meant from the explosion at the pub but what? You're pregnant?" Sam asked in shock.

"I found out because of the accident actually. The doctors examined me when I got admitted and told me when I woke up." Kristina explained.

"You and the baby are healthy?" Sam asked concerned.

"Yes. Thank God." Kristina sighed in relief.

"What about Jackson? Have you told him yet?" Sam asked her sister who shook her head. "You have to tell him. Especially if you're keeping this baby." Sam told her sister honestly. "I know you two aren't together but you can try to figure this out together. You're going to have to."

"I've kind of been seeing Valerie. She's really been there for me through all this and I don't think she's going anywhere." Kristina told her sister.

"Can you see her as more?" Sam asked her younger sister who sat silent, thinking about her answer. "Because the love that you will feel when you hold your child in your arms for the first time. Nothing compares."

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