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As the next couple weeks rolled by, Jackson was establishing a routine for himself. He worked a second job in security when he wasn't doing anything for Sam. It was nothing special but it was something. He was still staying at Sam's as he was put on a waiting list for an apartment. He couldn't stop thinking about Kristina during his down time. Jackson had the night shift security at a club a few blocks from Charlie's Pub. He wanted to stop by just to see Kristina again. There was something about their conversation that attracted him towards her even more. He wondered when the next time he'd see her would be.

The next morning, Jackson hopped in the shower to freshen up for the day. Last night there were some guys who had too much to drink and he had to kick them out of the club. They were a little violent but nothing he couldn't handle. Jackson hopped into a pair of jeans as he waited for his shirt to dry.

He heard a pair of keys against the doorknob. Kristina entered the pent house as he stood in the living room with a bare chest. She couldn't help but stop in her footsteps and scan his fitted upper body. He had more tattoos on his left shoulder, which only made his arms pop even more. She snapped her attention to catch his gaze. He met her with a smirk on his mouth.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have barged in like that." Kristina apologized quickly, looking around the room.

"It's fine. This isn't my place so I don't exactly get a say in who comes and goes." He told her honestly with a charismatic grin.

"I was just grabbing a file for Sam that she left behind. We're meeting for brunch." She told him, turning to the desk by the door. She searched the desk for the name her sister told her. She could feel him getting closer to her but it was brief as he brushed past her to go check the dryer. That only added to the sexual tension between them. He returned a minute later with a plain black T-shirt on.

"I'll see you around?" He said to Kristina as she opened the door. She glanced back at him, meeting his gaze with a nod before walking out the door with a hidden grin on her lips.

Kristina wiped down the counter, giving it one last shine before taking her waist band off and tossing it under the counter. She glanced at the time which read 10:57pm. She let out a sigh of relief that managed to finish closing before 11:15pm for once. Kristina heard the bell ring, notifying her that someone just walked in the Pub.

"We're closed." Kristina stated as she turned to see who it was. "Valerie, what are you doing here?" Her mood brightened at the sight of her friend, she approached her from behind the counter.

"I'm glad you're away from Shiloh and Dawn Of Day but it just seems like..." Valerie's words trailed off.

"What?" Kristina asked, wondering what her friend thought of her, "What is it, Val?"

"You've still been distant from me." Valerie told her honestly. "And I get it. You're trying to adjust back to your life. But I miss you, Kristina." The detective stated boldly, taking a step closer and taking her hand in hers.

"Val..." Kristina sighed, looking down at their hands. Valerie intertwined their fingers and Kristina didn't stop her.

"I can keep you safe, Kris." She whispered, bringing her hand to lightly caress her chin to look up at her. "If you'll let me."

Kristina looked into Valerie's light cocoa-colored eyes before leaning forward and meeting her lips for a kiss. She remembered the first time she kissed Valerie and how she desperately wanted to do it again.

Jackson made his way out of work early that night. He'd usually be stuck at the night club until midnight or longer. He thought about his encounter with Kristina at the pent house earlier. Even though she was Sam's little sister, there was something about her that really appealed to him. He passed Charlie's Pub on the way to the pent house and decided to see if maybe Kristina was still there. They only closed less than an hour ago. He approached the door that was left cracked. He figured that meant she was still there since the lights were on as well. Jackson opened the door, seeing a clear picture of Kristina locking lips with a woman. They broke their attention from each other.

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