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Jackson sat on the couch alone in his apartment. Processing his dealings with Sonny and Ava. He didn't want to be involved with either of them, knowing they both were pushing their own agenda. His thoughts were also clouded with the thought of Kristina. They shared a really good moment the other night after Sam was taken to Pentonville. Which now reminded him, he said he'd call her to check in on her. He pulled out his phone, scrolling until he landed on her contact icon. He waited as the phone rang. The call went to voicemail.

"Hey." Jackson said with a pause, "It's me. I was just calling to check in on you. Let me know if you need anything." He spoke before ending the message.


Later at the Metro Court, Ava Jerome was hosting a reception party for her new paintings being displayed at her gallery in the next coming days. She had all her business partners there and was ready to hit the jackpot. Not only was she making money selling these paintings, she was making profit from the product hidden within them. Ava finished giving her toast for the night and made way out to the balcony. Jackson followed pursuit and caught up to her. He was in a much sharper attire than his basic street wear, dressed in a blazer with a nice white button down.

"All I need from you is to keep an eye out tonight." Ava instructed him. "If you're suspicious of anyone at all, tell me right away."

After their conversation, Jackson scanned the room and caught a familiar face standing alone by the bar.

"You never struck me as the type to be into something like this." Jackson announced as he approached the bar.

"I'm not." Elizabeth responded with a shy smile, glancing up at him as she sipped her drink. "But my husband was. Not only that but he was friends with Ava. Despite how I personally feel towards her, I respected their friendship." She told him before finishing her drink. "I don't even know why I'm here really. I told myself I'd come out of respect for Franco since he can't be here."

"That's understandable." Jackson nodded.

"What brings you here?" Elizabeth asked him, wondering what interest he had in these expensive art pieces.

"Work, actually." Jackson stated with no further elaboration.

"Sonny looking to buy a painting from his baby mama?" Elizabeth asked with a small chuckle.

"Something like that." Jackson nodded, avoiding giving her a real answer. "How's Cameron doing at home?" He asked changing the subject.

"I know he's doing the best he can." Elizabeth answered with a deep breathe. "I just hate that he's hurting in all of this. And I hate that he turned to substances to try to fill the void. If I could fix our family, I would." The mother of three stressed.

"He's a strong kid." Jackson told her, "Now correct me if I'm wrong but I think he gets it from you." He nudged her arm softly gaining a small grin on her lips.

"Jackson." Their attention was taken away from each other as a voice approached them. "Elizabeth."

"Detective." Jackson greeted as he looked up to see who it was.

"Fancy seeing you here." Detective Spencer replied, squinting her eyes at him as she analyzed in her head what he was doing there.

"You as well. Here on work duty?" He questioned.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I got caught up at work." Kristina interrupted, meeting Valerie at her side.

"On a date, actually." Valerie replied with a smirk as she took Kristina's hand. "What about you? Are the two of you here together?" She asked, glancing between him and Elizabeth.

"Oh, no." Elizabeth and Jackson responded in sync. "We're just friends." Jackson added, making sure to make eye contact with his ex. "And I'm married." Elizabeth added, shooting Valerie a disapproving look.

They were interrupted as Ava gathered everyone's attention. Rallying everyone up, she began to announce the bidding on each painting. Jackson's attention couldn't be taken away from Kristina. She was cuddled up next to Valerie and their hands intertwined. He felt confused, just as he thought he was getting to a place with Kristina where they could possibly get back together she does this.

For the rest of the night, Jackson kept to himself. Seeing Kristina and Valerie together really shifted his mood. The event was winding down and guests were leaving. Jackson stood outside by the exit, still keeping watch of everyone as requested by Ava.

A fit of giggles exited the building as Jackson looked up to see Kristina and Valerie walking out. "I didn't think going to art auction could be so fun." Valerie chuckled as she turned to her date.

"Bring me to anything and I'll make sure we'll have fun." Kristina responded with a wink, tugging at Valerie's hand.

It took everything in Jackson not to say or do something. He wasn't sure what Kristina was doing but he was for sure hurt, angry, and jealous. Instead of getting worked up, he took a deep breath and tried to let it go.

All of a sudden, everyone's attention was drawn to a fuss of commotion coming from the lobby.

"How could you?! You're supposed to be our friend!" Cameron shouted as he aggressively walked down his friend Spencer.

"I am your friend!" Spencer yelled back, "Esme is also my girlfriend." He added trying to reason with him.

"So you choose to be loyal to the person that publicly humiliated me and Joss?!" Cameron pushed him as his anger rose. He was furious with Spencer as he continue to stand by the girl that keeps manipulating everyone around her. Spencer responded with a push back in defense. Chaos broke out as Cameron threw the first swing, dropping his friend to the ground. But he wasn't done, the rage took over and he followed up with more and more punches as Spencer could barely keep his hands up to defend himself.

A crowd had now gathered in the lobby, witnessing the entire debacle. Jackson immediately ran over, pulling Cameron off of the now defenseless teen.

"Cameron, what did you do!?" Elizabeth looked frantically at her son heartbroken. Cameron looked into his mother's eyes, seeing the pain in them. He glanced all around at everyone watching before looking at Spencer who laid on the ground, barely conscious, nose busted, and face bruised. Immediately, he broke down in Jackson's arms as he realized what he just did.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Cameron cried, unable to keep it together.

"Check on Spencer. I'll take care of him." Jackson instructed, staying calm. She responded with a nod before tending to care the injuries her son just caused to someone. Kristina stood by, watching how Jackson kept the situation controlled under pressure. She didn't realize the relationship he had formed with Cameron and how good he was with him.

"Paramedics are on their way." Valerie approached Elizabeth with a first aid kit.

Jackson walked with Cameron outside to the front of the hotel. "Cameron, look at me." The boy lifted his head. "Take a deep breath in," he instructed as they both inhaled a breath of fresh air together, "and out." He stated as they exhaled. They repeated this exercise a few times together.

"I messed up." Cameron admitted, "I didn't even realize how angry I had gotten."

"Sometimes our emotions cause us to do things we never thought we could." Jackson told him.

"The look I saw in my mom's eyes- I never thought I could disappoint her like this. I'm trying to help her and take care of the family and I've got all this drama to deal with..." the teenager shook his head, unable to put it all into words.

"You're doing a good job." Jackson told him, seeing the confusion in the young man's eyes as he said that. "Tonight, you made a mistake and you're going to have to deal with what comes next." He explained truthfully, not sugarcoating reality from him. "But you don't have to do it alone."

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