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After leaving the PCPD, Jackson escorted Kristina back to the penthouse. When they arrived, she went to the kitchen and returned with two empty glasses and a full bottle of liquor. Jackson watched her as she sat down on the couch and poured the alcohol into each glass.

"You just going to stand there and stare or are you going to join me?" Kristina asked as she raised her glass.

"Sure." Jackson nodded after debating his answer for a moment. He sat down next to her and picked up the other cup.

"To Sam." Kristina said with a weak smile, "For taking out that sick, cult leading, psychopath that was Shiloh." She finished, clinking their glasses together. They sipped their drinks empty and Kristina was quick to refill them. "Did you ever find out who sent those guys to attack you?" She asked him, changing the subject, thinking back to his unfortunate beat down.

"No." Jackson shook his head. "I have a good idea who it was- I think everyone does." He added, taking a gulp of the liquor in his cup.

"You're not going to retaliate?" She asked him curiously, not taking him as one to back down.

"What am I supposed to do?" Jackson scoffed, "I'd rather just leave it alone." He stated, knowing that if he did do something it wouldn't go well... for both parties.

"And what if it happens again?" She questioned, sipping her drink.

"It won't." He told, glancing at her.

"But what if it does?" Kristina pressed.

"I said it won't, Kristina! Just leave it alone!" He raised his voice as his temper rose with it. Not only did he feel embarrassed about getting jumped, he really just wasn't sure how to handle Ava.

"Ok, I'm sorry..." Kristina uttered, shocked at his tone.

"No, I'm sorry." Jackson apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." He told her in a calm manner, taking a deep breathe. "I just wish I never got involved with Ava to begin with."

"It's over now." Kristina told him, trying to put his conscience at ease.

"I don't think it's going to be that easy." Jackson shook his head as he sipped his drink. "As much as I do want to leave it alone. I'm not quite convinced Ava will."

"So, what are you going to do?" She asked him curiously.

"I'm not sure yet." He replied back with a shrug. "I'll figure it out. But now I'm worried about Sam. I know she can take care of herself but I pray she doesn't have to spend as long a time behind bars that I did."

"Diane is going to get her out of there. She's gotten Jason and my dad out of way worse." Kristina commented, keeping hope alive for her sister.

"I hope so." Jackson nodded, "I just wish I could do something. I wish my fingerprints were on that flare gun so I could take the fall for this. Sam actually has a life out here- kids, family, Jason."

"You don't think you have anything outside of prison?" Kristina asked him, seeing how poorly he viewed his life.

"Not really, no." He responded back truthfully. "Sam gave me a chance when I came asking for one. And so did you. But like always, I blew it. And then there's my sister, Sasha, who I never expected to see again."

"What happened to trying to restore everything? Building a new life for yourself." Kristina questioned him, hearing how hopeless he sounded.

"I don't know." He sighed, "I'm just so used to disappointing everyone. Being with you was like a breathe of fresh air. Like a fresh start. You didn't see me for all my flaws and mistakes. And then I let you down, too." Jackson ranted, expressing his regret in all his recent actions.

"I am the queen of letting my family down. I mean, dating you probably wasn't much of an improvement from leaving a cult." She joked, causing the both of them to chuckle. "But I don't regret it." She added, meeting his eye. "You're not a bad guy, Jackson. I know that." She assured him, placed her hand on his. He looked back at her, feeling every desire to kiss her.

"Thanks." Is all he managed to say as they both began to lean into each other's embrace. He wrapped his arm around her and she laid her head down against his chest. It felt like forever since they had a moment like this together. Just simply being with each other. Sitting in each other's presence.

"I should go." He then announced after a few moments.

"Jackson." She tugged his hands as he started to get up from the couch.

"I'll call you tomorrow." He assured her, kissing her hand before standing up and gathering his things.


At the end of the next day, Jackson was finishing getting the gym ready to close. Just as he got done, his boss approached him. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about." Sonny told the younger man as his enforcer, Jason, trickled in behind him. "You were attacked a few weeks ago. Any idea who it was?"

"I think you and I both know who it was." Jackson told him with a shrug. "What am I supposed to do about it? If I go to the cops I incriminate myself in the process."

"Work for me." Sonny told him with a smirk. "Get me all the details you can on Ava's shipments and I'll put a stop to it."

"Are you asking me to be a mole for you?" Jackson clarified, squinting his eyes at the man. "What if I say no?" He tested him.

"I don't think that's an option for you." Jason spoke stepping up to him, enforcing his stone cold demeanor.

"Right." Jackson nodded with a grin. "So, what? You want me to just go back to Ava and ask her for more work?" He asked, wondering how exactly Sonny wanted to go about this.

"That's exactly what I want you to do." Sonny confirmed. "You'll keep your job here. Ava won't suspect your sudden switch of character. Convince her you're doing it for the money, my gym's salary isn't enough for you." He instructed before shaking Jackson's hand and sending him on his way.


After leaving the gym, Jackson made route to the Jerome Gallery. Just as Ava was closing, he ran into her along with her assistant outside. "Ava." Jackson greeted, "I need to speak with you."

"Jackson." Ava replied, scolding him with her look. "Trina, I'll see you tomorrow. Get home safe, sweetie." She dismissed her teenage assistant. "What's this about?" The art gallery owner asked the man once her employee was out of ear shot.

"I know it was you. The guys that jumped me a few weeks back." Jackson told her and he could see the devilish smirk form on her lips. "I was thinking about how my misconduct left you hanging. So I'm here to make up for it."

"What's the catch?" Ava questioned him, scanning his expression trying to figure him out.

"No catch." Jackson shrugged, "Sonny's got me working at his gym and that job sucks for what he's paying me."

"What happened to trying to swoon his daughter?" Ava asked him, wondering what his change in heart was about.

"This is who I am. I've never been one to live the American Dream." Jackson admitted.

"Sounds like you've come to your senses." Ava nodded, extending her hand. "Looks like we're back in business, Mr. Thomas."

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