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The day began and Jackson was at the penthouse with Sam and her kids, Danny and Scout.

"Jacky," The blonde boy called out to his mother's friend as he approached him by the couch. "Are you you coming to my birthday party today?" Danny ask with a big smile.

"It's you're birthday? Happy birthday, buddy!" Jackson cheered in response to the boy. "Yeah, I'll be there if that's okay with your mom?" He told the boy and looked over at Sam in question.

"Of course." Sam smiled and gave him a nod, "We're going to my mom's in about an hour to set up. Do you want to just ride with us?"

The ride over to Alexis's was filled with surprisingly nonstop chatter from Danny to Jackson. Danny usually wasn't much of a talker, especially to new people, which he inherits from his father. Once they arrived, they all hopped out of the car. Jackson helped his friend bring in party props and presents from her car. They began setting up now so that when Alexis arrived with the cake, all would be ready. Half an hour later, their task was complete and they had under an hour to spare until people would start arriving.

Alexis, Kristina, and Molly walk through the door moments later with the cake and wrapped presents. Sam and Jackson got up to help assist them with their things. Both, Kristina and Jackson, make eye contact and briefly brush by each other causing them both to grin in joy to see each other.

After things settled, Sam introduced Jackson to Molly and Alexis, "Mom, Molly, this is my friend Jackson who I told you about."

"Oh, we met already." Molly noted, "The other night when Kristina blew us off for dinner."

"Molly!" Kristina hissed at her little sister. "I apologized for that and said I would make it up." She added crossing her arms.

"And you still have yet to do so." Molly snapped shaking her head, now frustrated. "You know what it's fine. I shouldn't have said anything." She added, walking off before she said anything she'd regret. Molly didn't realize her own built up frustration she had towards her sister.

"I'm so sorry about this. I'm Alexis," Alexis broke the awkward silence in the air for a moment. "These crazy gals mother." She joked, extending out her hand.

"Jackson Thomas." He introduced with a bright smile, "No worries, I grew up with a younger sister. I get it." He replied back nonchalantly, understanding the sibling bickering.

"Nice to meet you, Jackson." Alexis nodded, "Now I'm going to get this cake to the fridge until it's time for it." She announced excusing herself from the scene and going to the kitchen.

"I should go talk to Molly." Kristina said but before she could go, Sam interrupted.

"Kris- Give her a minute?" Sam suggested, not wanting the situation to escalate further. "I'll talk to her first just so she can calm down." Sam told her sister, Kristina nodded in agreement.

After Sam walked away to check on Molly, Jackson turned to Kristina. "Sorry you have to see how dysfunctional I am so up close." She told him, shaking her head in exhaustion.

"I'd be worried if two sisters didn't butt heads at times." Jackson joked, earning a light giggle from Kristina but he could still see that she was upset underneath it.

"I haven't made up from skipping out on dinner the other night. I guess I just didn't think it was that important." Kristina confessed, being honest with herself.

"Some actions mean different things to others." Jackson told her, "You're here at this birthday party because you love your nephew, right?" He then ask her, analyzing the situation. She nodded. "Danny knows you love him because you're here. You showed up, you're early, you have presents. Those are all actions of love." He continued as she followed what he's saying, "The same goes for dinner with your mom and your sister. I can see how it may look to them that you didn't show up to dinner last minute and then Molly finds you at a bar with some guy she's never met." Jackson reasoned with her.

"Yeah," Kristina nodded, realizing how it may look from their perspective, "It's just hard for me to open up after everything that's happened. Which is weird because I thought it would be easier." She uttered as the realization hit her that she had been acting cold towards her mom and sister.

"You're doing it right now." Jackson told her with a smile,

"You're so easy to talk to." She told him truthfully as she gazed into his eyes. "Thanks for helping."

Later on, the birthday party was kicked off with Danny's family gathering around and mingling. Monica showed up on behalf of the Quartermaine heritage along with Ned, Olivia, and her son Leo. Lulu came with her son, Rocco, and her daughter, Charlotte. Maxie with her boyfriend, Peter, and her son James, even though he was younger than all the kids there. Cameron arrived with Jake so he could be at his half brothers party. Carly and Sonny showed up as well with Jossyln and Dev accompanying them.

Everyone at the party socialized and caught up with one anther. Kristina and Jackson were gathered around talking before Sonny approached the two. "I don't believe we've met." Sonny said with a unpleasant expression as he took in the man chatting with his daughter. Something about the two of them seemed top comfortable. "Sonny Corinthos." He introduced extending his hand.

"Jackson Thomas." Jackson responded, shaking the man's hand firmly.

"Jackson, this is my dad." Kristina informed him. "He's the overprotective type." She added with a hiss.

"With good reason." Jackson nodded, looking at Sonny as he felt the older man eyeing him down.

"So, you're friends with Sam?" Sonny asked him and he nodded in response, "but you've spent most of your time here talking to my daughter."

"Dad." Kristina warned, annoyed with her father's demeanor.

"Kristina's been a great friend to me since I got to town." Jackson nodded, making it clear to her father that nothing has happened between the them. Before they could continue, Sam called everyone over for cake.

Once they got through presents, Danny and the kids were having a blast with his new toys. After another hour, people started to head home. Jackson was one of the last to leave. Kristina caught up to him on the porch before he could leave, wanting to get a moment alone with him.

"Hey," She called out as she approached him on the porch, "Thank you for earlier. What you said about my mom and sister. It's actually helped me rationalize everything out in my head since then."

"I'm glad I could help." Jackson told her with a smile.

"Sorry about my dad earlier, he can be a little blunt at times." Kristina apologized, hoping her father didn't embarrass her too much.

"It's okay. Your family clearly loves you." He replied, understanding the overprotectiveness. "I got to head to my night job now. I'll see you around?" He asked her, already knowing the answer.

"Of course." She told him with a smirk, feeling the butterflies inside her stomach.

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