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Police had arrived at the Metro Court and Spencer had been taken to the hospital. The police took statements from the many witnesses that stood by and saw the fight occur. Jackson stood outside with Cameron and Elizabeth.

"If the police don't take Cameron into custody tonight, I would advise that you take him home and neither of you say a word to them without a lawyer." Jackson advised them both, not wanting anything they say tonight to backfire.

"I can call Scott Baldwin and give him a heads up." Elizabeth nodded as she began to think ahead as to what could come next.

"Could I go to jail for this?" Cameron asked, looking back and forth between his mother and his coach.

"I don't know. It depends on Spencer's condition and whether or not he or his father decide to press charges." Jackson explained honestly.

"I really messed up." The teen shook his head in defeat as his thoughts spiraled.

"Cameron." The boys mother approached him, taking his face in her hands. "I love you and we're going to get through this." She assured her son, despite the disappointment she felt right now, she could sense the deep remorse he felt.

"Excuse me." Detective Spencer cleared her voice, "Mr. Thomas, could I take your statement?"

"Yes." Jackson nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'll be right back." He told Elizabeth and Cameron before following the detective.

"You've formed quite the relationship with the Webber's." Valerie commented, waiting to get any sort of reaction.

"I'm here to give my statement, detective." Jackson reminded her, not giving into her antics.

"What brought you to the Metro Court tonight?" Detective Spencer asked, taking out her pen and notepad.

"I was here for the art gallery." Jackson answered.

"At what point did the fight with the two teens breakout?" She asked as she wrote down his answer.

"After the event was over. I heard a bunch of commotion in the lobby and all of a sudden they were throwing punches at each other. I took initiative and broke them apart." Jackson stated.

"Who threw the first punch?" Detective Spencer asked, squinting her eyes as she analyzed him more inquisitively.

"I don't know." Jackson told her, knowing full well Cameron threw the first punch.

Valerie nodded as she wrote on the notepad. "When you broke the teens apart, you pulled Cameron off of Spencer- correct?"

"Yes." Jackson confirmed.

"Do you think Cameron was provoked?" Valerie questioned.

"I don't know." Jackson stated.

"Do you think Spencer was provoked?" She asked again a bit differently.

"I don't know." Jackson stated again.

"Thank you for your statement, Mr. Thomas." Valerie concluded, realizing she wasn't going to get any further elaborated response from him.

Jackson nodded and walked back to check on Elizabeth and Cameron. "Is there anything I can do for both of you?" Jackson asked, wanting to make sure they'd be okay.

"Could you drive us home?" Elizabeth asked, realizing it may not be a good idea to get behind the wheel tonight with how emotional she was feeling.

"Yes, of course." Jackson nodded. Elizabeth thanked him as she handed him the keys to her car. Kristina took notice of the trio leaving together as she waited on Valerie to get done.


"I'm going to go shower and get ready for bed." Cameron stated as they got home before heading upstairs.

Elizabeth sat down on the couch before letting out a deep sigh, attempting to release all the stress that had built up over the past few hours. "I don't know what I'm going to do." She stated, running a frustrated hand through her hair.

"You don't have to have it all figured out tonight." Jackson told her, taking a seat next to her. "Or even tomorrow. Start with taking it one step at a time."

"I just- I don't know. What if Cameron gets arrested?" Elizabeth asked, wiping away the tears that sat in her eyes. She didn't want to think about her son being taken away from her.

"And what if he doesn't?" Jackson responded softly, trying to offer a different perspective.

"I just want to help my son. Clearly, I'm not doing a good job." Elizabeth admitted, feeling defeated. Resting her head in her hands.

"That's not true." Jackson shook his head. "You're doing the best you can do."

"But Cameron's still acting out. That just reflects poorly on me." She shook her head, thinking of everything her family has gone through lately.

"You're being to hard on yourself, Elizabeth." He told her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Gently, he rubbed her back, feeling how tense she was. As she looked up at him, emotion and worry in her eyes, they both paused. Both feeling an unspoken shift in the dynamic of their relationship in that moment. It was like they both saw each other in a new light.

"Mom, I can't find my phone charger." Cameron hollered as he came downstairs. Jackson and Elizabeth separated before the boy got downstairs, as if they were being caught.

"Here, you can borrow mine." Elizabeth responded as she searched through her purse.

"Jackson, you're still here?" Cameron asked, figuring he'd be gone by the time he got out of the shower.

"Just wanted to make sure everyone was okay before I left." Jackson responded with a nod.

"Right." Cameron nodded, "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude, I guess I'm just a little bit on edge after tonight." He admitted, taking a deep breathe.

"That's okay." Jackson affirmed, "I'll leave you two to be for tonight. If either of you need anything, call me." He told, making eye contact with them both.

"Jackson, wait." Cameron stopped him, "Thank you for everything." He said as he gave the man a sincere hug. Elizabeth watched as she could tell how much of an impact Jackson had made in her son's life in such a short span of time. Cameron wasn't the only one that appreciated his help.

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