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At Charlie's Pub, Kristina was assisting her disoriented grandfather who walked around the bar looking confused. She approached him and tried to calm him down.

"Dad's on the way to pick you up." Kristina comforted her grandfather Mike.

"This bar? Here? No, no... Nobody's supposed to be here." He told her worriedly as if something bad was going to happen. "It's the middle of the night."

"Grandpa." Kristina stated confused, turning towards the light shining through the window. "Look. It's light outside."

"No, no. That's not right." He confessed. "None of this is right." He told her repeatedly.

"Grandpa, just sit tight until my dad gets here." Kristina instructed her grandfather seeing how worried he was getting.

"No, he can't come here!" Mike cried. "He can't! Nobody's supposed to be here... this will make everything worse." He looked around scared about what could happen.

Meanwhile Julian tracked down the pipe burst since he could smell it walking by the stairwell. He went to go check it out and found the busted pipe. He quickly rushed back upstairs to evacuate everyone from the premises.

Mike revealed to Kristina the wrench he had been hiding in his jacket. "What are you doing with that?" Kristina asked her grandfather confused.

"We need to get out of here." Mike told her eager to leave.

"I told my dad we would wait here." Kristina responded.

"Somethings wrong. We shouldn't be here. Nobody should be here." Mike continued to press to his granddaughter.

"Hey, everybody!" Julian hollered as he got back upstairs. "The bar's closed. Everyone needs to leave immediately." He announced. "There's a gas leak downstairs. I need everyone to leave immediately, for your own safety. Just go to the vacant lot across the street." Julian instructed his customers. "Again, there's a gas leak. We have to evacuate. Everybody out."

Kristina and Mike stood up as everyone began to leave. A man in a hurry ran into Mike causing him to fumble and drop the wrench.

"Hey, watch it!" Kristina frowned at the man who ran into her grandfather.

"This isn't right! This is not supposed to happen like this!" Mike yelled not moving.

"Grandpa, we have to go." Kristina tried to gather her grandfather.

"Hey, Mr. Corbin, we got to get you out of here." Julian helped escort Mike out of the building.

When they all got to the vacant lot across the street, Julian was on the phone with emergency services. "320 Charles Street, Charlie's Pub. We've got a gas leak situation." He spoke into his phone pacing around. "I've got everyone evacuated across the street. No, I don't want to hold."

"Do you know where the gas leak is coming from?" Kristina approached her boss. "Did something break in the kitchen?"

"No, there's a gas leak in the basement." Julian informed her.

"Well, is it an old pipe or?" She asked leaving him to fill her in.

"A valve was broken and it definitely looks like it was tampered with. I'd say somebody was trying to blow Charlie's sky high." Julian told her walking off to continue talking on the phone.

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