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It was a nice day out. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these kids like you...
(Should be Burning in Hell...)

*Megalovania Intensifies*

Would most likely be out doing turf wars and ranked battles. As for Y/n? She was busy reading the Splatoon manga. She found the characters cute and silly, and loved how they included the Squid Sisters from Inkopolis! Your ear phones plugged into your ears as you listened to Off the Hook, Ebb and Flow. Their songs were pretty good, just as good as the Squid Sisters and the other bands. Smiling to yourself you placed your book mark in and closed the book. eyeing the lobby you checked the time.

"Oh, why not!" You laughed to no one in particular, heading toward the spoken lobby, crowded by other inklings chatting away.

Before you got near, you saw a male inkling go down that sewer, probably just messing around. You continued heading toward the lobby and as you passed by you took notice how the lively chatting of fellow inklings became silence or tiny whispers. Changing the color of your hair to a happy yellow you smiled and entered the lobby, not caring about the other's opinion.

Everyone seemed to dislike you when you used a blaster in ranked, unless you were on their team of course. You were contemplating in front of your locker, not knowing whether to use a Roller, Splattershot, Sniper, or your Luna Blaster. You decided on using your carbon roller deco with burst bombs as your sub and autobombs as a special. You joined a Turf War and smirked at yourself ready for the battle.

You stepped in front of the mirror provided, examining your outfit, wearing the positive longcuff sweater with some comfy pants and white punks to go with it. You wore your simple Squid Clip you received from your friend Orange (the amiibo). You smiled at yourself and hopped onto the spawn holding your carbon roller and attaching your ink tank to your back, wearing a smile that never left your innocent features.


Yeah yeah i know, it's a short chapter... but please just trust meh on this! Yeah ur like,
"This bish takes months to update one story...why the fu-" idc, i do what i want and u should too!

Oh and the pic on top. I took a picture of it! Pretty neat huh?

The neighbors were probably wondering why i was holding my phone up to the sky. Oh well!
Anyway! I hope u enjoyed this chap, stay tuned for the second!

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now