Agent 8 Answers!

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@SplatFanGorlUwU Says: Poor mike and 3

Mike crosses his arms and smirks toward Writer-Chan360 before ultimately starting an argument with the dark haired kid. As for 3 he took your hand in his before giving it a small peck and thanking you for the sympathy.

"Thanks for the concern, me and...4 are really grateful." 3 smiled at you before flinching when he heard his team mate getting strangled in the back

@JustGhostyyRat Says: Gaps agent 8 is so god damn adorable I want to adopt him 😔

8 gives you a confused look before innocently and curiously giving you a smile, he was unsure how to respond toward the thought of being adopted, but then again, he's not used to being called adorable either...

*translating to "inklish"*

"Thank you for the compliment, a-although I'm unsure how to feel about it for I've never been called adorable like this...! Thank you! A-also...what is the action of being adopted?" He asked with the same confused and innocent little smile. He seemed so stiff and as though he were trying to look as presentable and serious as possible. (He likes to stand tall)

"What the shell did he just say...?" Mike asked toward 3 who was reading a octarian dictionary, Y/n sweat dropped at them as Mike and 3 both began to read the dictionary together.

"something you..? I DON'T FISHING KNOW!" Mike began to rage as he shut the large and heavy book on 3's hands, in response 3 inhaled before internally screaming, a small tear escaping as the stinging of his fingers hurted.

@-Askil_Velish- Says: # Agent 8 is so pure i want him-

Agent 8 blushes and rubs the back of his head before bowing respectfully and thanking you, he straightened himself up at the attention he was getting from these amazing people. It made him feel special in a way, he ended up overthinking it when trying to maintain an approachable calm demeanor before covering up his face hiding his warm and red blushing face. (awh poor boi)

@CoconutWoomy Says: Hello, Eight! How are you? Can I give him a hug? Actually...can I give all of them a hug?

*translating from Octarian to Inklish*

"Oh, I appreciate your concern for my well being. I am good thank you!" Agent 8 chuckled lightly hiding his face from everyone, before sneaking you a hug and running away from embarrassment, he hid behind the couch and watched you walk up to everyone else for their own hug

3 looked at you from his bar stool, he was reading a book again. It was the history of the Great Turf War with the sunken scrolls he had collected trying to match things up. You stared at him with your arms extended out for a hug to which he playfully rolled his eyes hopping off and giving you a hug and patting your head, he made you feel like a good child and his vibe gave you a relaxed feeling, making you want to take on the world.

"A hug? To all of us? I only hug the person I love!" Mike huffed a small blush on his face until Y/n came over with a puzzled face. She tugged at Mike's sleeve before nervously playing with her hair.

"but you always hug me Mike! We even give each other good night kisses!" Y/n gave an innocent face, her idea of good night kisses her on the cheek or the forehead, it made her feel young and like a child again.

8 calmly smiled at Mike, a shadow over his eyes as Mike madly blushed before shushing Y/n up and trying to get her to hush before she says anything other embarrassing things. 3 in the back comes running from another room with a heavy book in his hand raising it to smack the living ink out of Mike.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now