Appearances so I don't forget and for your entertainment!~

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Name: Mike
Main Ink Color: light blue
Main Eye Color: Green
Agent Ink Color: Yellow, what corresponds with the mission.
Agent Eye Color: Yellow, Green, or same as his hair.
Hair Style: 4th one in the Splatoon 2 Game, and occasionally uses the 2nd in everyday inkling life.
Skin Tone: Lightly Tanned Skin
Best Weapon: Dualies and splattershot
Weak Against: Rollers
Likes:Boba Tea
Dislikes: Bitter Coffee
Personality: He's older than you but younger than 8 and 3. He's cold and sarcastic to those he doesn't know, and those he doesn't seem to trust, and is equally impatient. He's sometimes a flirt toward Y/n, but gets flustered when people assume he has actually done anything to you, and with how angry he can get, we assume he's very energetic when in a good mood. When it comes to his emotional feelings he grows loud and aggressive, he likes to taunt and tease a lot. At times he's sarcastic but always gets all soft around Y/n or if it's concerning her, he can be a sassy drama queen, to a very intimidating inkling, to just a loveable and loud mess. He's quite reckless and a risk taker in many things, so you usually end up finding the strange scrolls for him. He gets serious and tense during battles, he really hates losing to poorly behaved opponents.

Name: (Not Available Yet) Agent 3
Main Ink Color: Dark Blue/Regular Blue
Main Eye Color: Dark Blue/Regular Blue
Agent Ink Color: Light Green, Dark Blue, What corresponds with his mission
Agent Eye Color: Dark Blue, What Corresponds with his Mission
Hair Style: Always the1st in the Splatoon Games, he doesn't plan on changing it anytime soon.
Skin Tone: Darker Tanned Skin, black
Best Weapon: Splattershot and Roller
Weak Against: Snipers
Likes: Bitter Coffee
Dislikes: Orange Soda
Personality: He's the oldest out of the main Agents (you, Mike, 8). He's usually quiet and doesn't speak much but when he does, it's like he's speaking out of an encyclopedia or he's just a charming big brother. He gets thrown off easily when Y/n's name is brought up, instantly becoming concerned or angry depending on the situation. He's fantastic at cooking and other life skills, and is caring to those around him, including plants, and especially you. When in an argument, he tries to provide evidence and logical information in order to make his point sharp and proven. He always thinks everything through before doing anything, making quick and efficient plans to end things quickly and successfully. He's always searching in places as well, he feels rewarded when finding sunken scrolls. He dislikes losing, but when he does, he shrugs it off before complimenting the other team and thanking them for the battle. He is seen as mature, despite the fact he loves being around Y/n very much, part of him feels deep regret and sorrow, you'll find out soon enough.

Name: (Not Available Yet) Agent 8
Main Ink Color: Hot Pink
Main Eye Color: Golden Yellow (enjoys to change his eye color a lot)
Agent Ink Color: Pink or What corresponds with the Mission
Agent Eye Color: Golden Yellow or What corresponds with the Mission
Skin Tone: Just barely tanned, white
Best Weapon: Evenly Skilled in ALMOST Everything
Weak Against: Blasters
Likes: Smoothies and Milkshakes (boi has a BIG sweet tooth)
Dislikes: veggies and energy drinks
Personality: He actually really loves to talk, unfortunately he can't speak fluent inklish so it really embarrasses him, he prefers to keep quiet instead and save himself the embarrassment of slip ups. He's quite lazy when it comes to himself and is really playful, quite the child actually. He's really skilled when it comes to cooking, but doesn't quite trust himself around the kitchen. He likes to receive affection and attention from his angel, his darling angel, he would literally do anything to make her happy, and when I say her I mean you Y/n. He too can be reckless and childishly impatient, he uses a lot of face expressions to express himself. Yes he prefers to be mute. Protect him, and please don't take your eyes off of him in public, he gets curious and ends up wandering off-

Name: Y/n
Main Ink Color: White or F/c (Changes often to not catch attention)
Main Eye Color: e/c (she enjoys to change them often)
Agent Ink Color: White or What Corresponds to the Mission
Agent eye Color: E/c or What Corresponds to the Mission
Skin Tone: s/c
Best Weapon: Evenly Skilled with all Weapons, mains a blaster
Weak Against: Love and Romance; Sudden Flirting (only she can do that >:o)
Personality: Quite a bubbly personality, she tries to make everyone feel good and happy. She receives a lot of strange and odd comments about her ink color, whether she is just copying Marie and Pearl or that she had dyed her ink, some even whisper if she were born with it, and she is. She's friendly and a fangirl, and she really loves adorable looking creatures, they really make her squeal and go awh. May have slight signs of ptsd when it comes to people leaving her alone despite she had traveled from Inkopolois to Inkopolis Square on her own. She has an odd ability in seeing small pieces or fragments of the future or outcomes that could happen, I wonder why that happens, either they are just convenient yet bothersome dreams, or something or someone is trying to warn her of something...whatever it is, it gives her such splitting headaches...

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now