Imagine Agent 4 x Agent 8

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"GET THE SHELL AWAY FROM ME!!!" Agent 4 screeched as he desperately tried to crawl away from the quiet and also confused octoling as the pink haired octo pulled the angry inkling towards him.

"?" Agent 8 cocked his head as the inkling went to squid form and began to slip from his grip. The octoling looked at his hands before staring towards the camera.

The scene like a screen was rolled shut like a projector, as an inkling with straight black tentacles chuckled nervously before sweating.

"I promise I'm working on the other chapters, I'm also planning on rewriting it once I guess chapter 30 is out because this was one of my first books and it's just really...really bad. The plot is inconsistent and so are reactions of my characters." The tanned inkling shifted awkwardly in place twiddling her thumbs and staring at you all, before kicking an invisible pebble and sighing.

"Aaaand, after reading back to it, I feel as though I should give Mike more action...! And my spelling errors make me look bad-" She chuckles, knowing for a FACT she has already left an error somewhere in this note whether it being in the paragraphs before or even the next set after. uwu

"I do apologize for the long ass long ass uh- absence...! I can't words *ahem* I apologize for everything! I'm literally just type- SAYING whatever comes to my mind!" The dumb bitch of an inkling/writer chuckles, her laughs quickly dying out until her face is straight and seeming to pale as though she were internally asking for a god or something to kill- splat her then and there.

She touches her two pointer fingers together shyly looking down, knowing that you all are probably pissed off. Before using some odd type of thinking, if they don't like the notes they could just leave, therefore causing the inkling to regain some sort of confidence back.

"Well! I just went brain dead a couple moments back! I'm going to go and complete these chapters before I forget!" The writer then snickers, grabbing her phone and destroying the alarm clock that once read 3:54 AM to pieces. She then trips at the doorframe and falls down- like a loser.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now