Alrighty so

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Ok so Chapter 9 is on its way! Don't worry my little squids and octo-children! I'll get it done, for now let's have these weird scenarios that go on my mind when I think of Y/n and the Agents XD

and since I haven't given Agent 3 and 8 a name, they'll be referred to as Agents 3 and 8 ok? Ok

Skit 1: A Jealous Octo boi

You laughed and held onto Mike's hand as you dragged him around the whole mall, Agent 3 and 8 behind, Agent 3 didn't really care as he gazed around the changes Inkopolis square made on Arowana Mall. Agent 8's gaze was fixed on you and Mike's locked hands and smiling faces, his silence obviously wouldn't be heard and without noticing he marched up and hugged you while glaring at the green haired inkling (He changed his hair into the one that points back, y'know the fresh one XD) You stopped walking and died inside as you felt the tension between the two males, finally the stubborn octoling buried his face to the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent, you blushed madly at this as you felt your cheeks heat up. The pink haired male then nuzzled against your cheek before sticking his tongue out at Mike. Agent 3 finally caught back up and dragged Mike asking about how different everything was. Agent 3 being the oldest and yet the most curious because of these changes were kinda cute but you were too distracted to even notice the other inklings gone. The innocent octo boi in front of you smiling and holding your hand. You smiled back unaware of the absence of not only the inklings, but the fact 8's hood was down.

"8! You can't just put down your hoodie! What if people see you?" 8 only cocked his head to the side before slowly pulling his hood over his head and hiding his tentacles again. You sighed in relief, but the moment you opened your eyes, 8 had stretched the hoodie far enough that your head also poked in as he lovingly rubbed his nose against yours. You exploded into a blushing mess and fainted then and there, causing panic to the innocent octo

Skit 2: Agent 3's room

You laid down and heavily exhaled, clutching onto a pillow and rolling on the bed. It smelled just like him, his pillow, his blanket, the bed sheets. You caught yourself sniffing his pillow and jolted up embarrassed at your actions. Looking around you were glad no one was there to see that. You've never been to Agent 3's room before, only his kitchen, living room, and that was really it. You didn't want to get lost in his house so you were mostly found in his living room when he invites you over. He finally entered the room with a tired look, as you heard small inkling sounds coming from the other side of the door.

"Um...your cousins are over?" You asked sitting criss-cross with the pillow in your arms, he nodded tiredly and headed toward you sitting next to you on the bed.

"Yeah...they can be a handful sometimes" his calm and smooth voice rung through your ears as you nodded, he plugged in his earphones and handed you one, playing Fresh Start from the Squid Sisters and laid down, you took it and listened as you laid down next to him, you were kinda tense but tried to play it off, I think your blush sort of gave it away, and sometimes when you're nervous your tentacles move a bit and even become a light shade of pink at the ends.

"Hey just relax, I know I tried to kill you, but I was possessed, I'm not gonna harm you." He warmly said, you were kinda glad that he didn't know the real reason you were so embarrassed, truth is, one he was about 2 years older than you, you've never been alone with a guy in their room, and you both had a history (octo expansion). You relaxed and held onto the pillow hugging it as the music played on. 3 looked at you and held your hand as he faced the ceiling, you were surprised at first but relaxed and held his hand back...

A couple songs later, and the two of you somehow managed to get too comfortable and end up snuggling while listening to some calming music. You were leaning against Agent 3 as he wrapped his arms around you. Just then a small baby inkling maybe about the age of 3 opened the door and waddled toward the two of you.

"I wanna play family!" The small inkling said, you tried to remember the name of this one but-

"You can be my daddy and she can be my mommy! I wanna be the little princess while Aiden plays as the evil wizard who steals me away from you and you have to save me!" She said as she attempted to climb up, you looked up at 3 to see a light blush on his face.

"H-haha...who's tense now?" You teased but you were clearly blushing at the same reason he was.

"And then at the end you two has to kiss!" The small inkling said, sparkling. Before you could even say anything toward the innocent child, Agent 3 shrugged and leaned toward you,just enough and kissed your cheek.

"omI GoSH ThEy DiD It" a yellow inkling cried, assuming that was Aiden as he was wearing a weird blue and white starred robe and matching hat. You blushed madly as the two inklings began to laugh and 3 hold you closer to his chest, lightly chuckling at your reactions.

Agent 4 got u pregenenate:

Mike yawned as light managed to get through the blinds of his window and make it's way to his face, waking the inkling boy up in the process. He felt something move within the blanket and quickly removed the sheet to uncover a certain white haired inkling. Y/n, she stirred in her sleep as she held onto his waist. Noticing how there were zero signs of harm or...hrMHMHnm besides the fact he was shirtless, Mike sighed in relief and poked you, attempting to wake the white haired female up as she stubbornly groaned and snuggled against his chest even more. Finally he spoke and in almost an instant she woke up.

3rd Person POV
"Callie's gone missing again"

"WHA-" You yelped and looked up before seeing a worriedly smiling inkling before you. Your cheeks heated up as you began to tear up.

"M-mike...You got me pregnant!" You cried as you wiped your eyes and sat up on the male's lap who only, panicked with eyes wider than saucepans.

"I DID WHAT!?" He yelled, he held his hands in the air as to show he wouldn't harm you of some sort before demanding of what happened last night and why you were here.

"W-well you said that if I got scared or needed you, to go to you right away...but you were sleeping...and and, while you were sleeping you grabbed me and pulled me in...and then I fell asleep! A-and I remember what big brother Crusty Sean said..."

"W-what'd he say, Y/n...?"

"He said...t-that when a woman and man sleep together on a bed then the woman becomes pregnant and becomes a mommy..."

'SHE'S INNOCENT' Mike cringed as he saw you begin tear up again and cry, saying how you didn't wish to become a mother at such a young age. He threw on a shirt and tried to calm you down, and soon did...

He Cooked You Some Pancakes To Get You To Stop Crying


tHe EnD :D

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now