CH 14

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"Y/N!? YOU AND THE SQUID SISTERS!? FRIENDS!?" Yumi cried as Mike placed a hand over her mouth, hushing her up. Lucas looked over and gasped. Quickly you grabbed your phone in panic.

"Y/n! You have white hair like Marie!" (Dumb ass-) Mike and Yumi looked at Lucas before Mike let go of her and allowed her to smack Lucas back side the head.

"H-Hey! Ow!" He crossed his arms as you looked to Yumi.

"Please don't tell anyone...this is very personal!" You begged to Yumi who smirked

"Pay for my silence, 5,000 coins! I've had my eyes on some new gear for a while now and I could use the mo-"

"How about this, I kill you and you can stay quiet! Permanently!" Mike smirked as he pulled out one out of two dualies from his jacket.

"Mike you're gonna get arrested!" You said as you pointed to the sign trying not to be too noticeable. Yumi stuck her tongue out and wrapped an arm around you.

"Yes! Don't expose this poor wittle thing to such vulgar actions!~" She snickered as Lucas laughed you laughed with them...not

"Hahaha...haha...haaaaaa...." yes you were smiling. Were you amused? No. Lucas gulped as he noticed your sarcasm and nudged Yumi to stop.

"Fine, if it's money you want it's money you'll get. Let's play Turf! Me and Mike vs You and Lucas. Winner gets 5,000 coins, bragging rights, AND a dare they get to decide!~" you said as you hopped over to Mike's side.

"Ah, so you can be evil, I like it." Mike said as he held a hand out to you, which you gladly accepted.

"See you two at the plaza! 6 PM!~" you giggled as you got your drink and Mike grabbing the bags of sweets and his own drink before splashing it over Lucas' white t-shirt, extra sass on the side.

"Sharp!" He chimed as you linked arms and the two of you walked away.


"See? We'll be working with each other for a long time after all!" You giggled at the training zone, the air dummies being used as temporary coverage as Mike splatted each one looking for you.

"Just keep talking, makes this game easier for me!" He laughed as he splatted another balloon. The two of you were a color of green and currently playing hide and seek, after some training, then some chatting, turns out you still got some time to kill! So why not play a game? You shut yourself up and hid in the ink, the whole place was covered in green ink, Mike now a color a yellow as he searched for you.

"I will find you!" Mike sing sang as you then shut up as he took a step close to your hiding spot.

"You're quiet, you're here somewhere..." he was literally right next to you as he turfed left and right. You eyed his ankle from your spot before suddenly grabbing it with your human hand causing him to yell out before you scrammed, laughing and swimming away.

"OH-" He immediatly lifted his foot as a horrible shiver went up his spine.

"THAT'S IT WHERE ARE YOU!?" He had a smile on his face as he switched to a roller, a carbon at that as he began to quickly cover ink. You were below the rails stuck to the wall as he ran by before coming back and splatting you off the wall, not enough to splat you, but enough to force you to the ground.

"Nooo! You caught me!~" You laughed and held your hands up in defeat, "I...surrender!~" you pouted playfully as you dramatically laid down on the ink covered ground. Mike rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"So I was planning on getting you a new hairstyle...I feel like you'd look in a ponytail." Mike admitted as he sat next to you. You never really styled your tentacles when someone asked you to but it was kinda nice knowing someone wants to see you in a certain hairstyle, instead of you trying your best to interest them.

"Me in a ponytail? Everyone'll think I'm a guy since y'know it's a boy thing?" You said shrugging your shoulders.

"Really now...?" Mike looked at you before putting his hair down, sure his sideswept bangs still remained but the ponytail he once had laid down. In honesty you found it silly, but cute.

"Gimme your hair tie or else-" You demanded (>:3) with a smile, he rolled his eyes with a smile and placed it in your hand. You put it around your wrist and wrapped your tentacles into a yellow ponytail. You looked back to him.

"You look nothing like a guy, see? It's pretty adorable. And maybe you might make it a fresh trend!" He pointed toward you with a smirk. You looked at his tentacles down and grabbed them.

"Whaaat are you doing?" He asked putting his hands down as you removed the hair tie and tying his hair back up. While you worked on him his eyes were...yeah to your chest, he averted his eyes away and gulped nervously, a slight perverted smile on his face, covered by his hand. You backed up and stuck your tongue out.

"I always change my hairstyle! But I guess having a ponytail isn't so bad" you said as you looked at the time. 5:40.

"We have like- 20 minutes to get back to plaza" your eye twitched while Mike jolted and ran inside preparing all his things, throwing stuff into the bags as you hurried to join him. Pure panic in his eyes.


"Sheldon! Can you take care of our stuff? We don't have time to run to my house and leave our stuff there." Mike said in panic.

5:48 PM

Sheldon was just about to protest until you poked your head from behind and looked at Sheldon with an innocent smile.

"Please Sheldon?" Sheldon looked at you for a good 5 seconds seeming to contemplate what he'd get out of this before nodding and pointing to the back.

"Just leave em where no one'll steal them!" He said with a hint of humor, gratefully, You thanked Sheldon as Mike put the bags behind the counter before grabbing your hand and leading you outside.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now