Ch 10

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"Hey Y/n, did you forget about our little bet?" Mike smirked as your felt two hands grab hold of your shoulders and a body pressed against your back, causing you to tense up.

"N-no...? Please don't make me do something inappropriate..." the white haired female pleaded, shutting her eyes. Mike moved in front of you and held onto your cheeks gently.

"A whole week, you get to do something for me...?" You opened one of your eyes to see Mike staring at your lips, heat rose to your cheeks as you hid yourself by burying your face into his chest.

"Er- well, for now just...let me...k-kiss you..." he mumbled, you looked up, embarrassment written all over your face.

"J-just on the cheek..." you shakily said, Mike nodded and slowly and gently and gave a peck on both of your cheeks before giving a toothy grin.

You tried to act as though it didn't bother you, but a smile tugged on your lips causing you to laugh along with Mike.

"Haha, I'm doomed aren't I?"

You found yourself at Mike's house dressed in a black and white maid costume. The skirt was short, but not too short, and it seemed to be the right size.
You exited the bathroom and revealed yourself to your 'master' he sat there smiling as he examined you.

"Is it too tight, too big? Is it just right?" He asked, he was quite respectful about this, and didn't seem to want to make you uncomfortable.

"Mike why do you want me to dress as a maid...? Your house is relatively clean as it is." You asked as you gently pulled on your skirt nervously waiting his order.

"Well, you see. I just wanted to see you in it, and you look really cute in it! Especially with your hair, (the fourth one) all on one side, you look very beautiful!" Mike blurted out, before completely shutting his mouth and becoming a light shade of red. You blushed as you played with your white tentacle.

"T-thanks, M-master Mike..." you looked toward the ground, not making eye contact with the yellow haired male, but you could see in the corner of your eye, he was redder than he already was.

"Y/n, can you cook?"

"Of course! Big brother Sean would teach me some of his techniques! Oh I can make uh, like cake and stuff too." Your eyes shined at the question. You asked if he had the right ingredients for a certain meal you were going to create, usually it was the jellyfish who cooked because some dishes required fresh water.
Deadly to inklings unless used in a dish! Haha, you wouldn't understand. After what seemed to be 30 minutes you called Mike to the kitchen, it smelled like curry...Mike's mouth began to water at the smell, he went behind you and hugged you from behind.

"W-wha- Mike! Be careful, I could've hurt you a-and don't distract me! What if I mess something up!" You stuttered as you felt him dig his face into the crook of your neck, and take in your scent.

"Y/n, you would make a great wife, you know that right?"

"Wha- I- M-mike? Are you ok?" You asked concerned, he's never acted like this before, and it was starting to worry you.

"I'm fine, but now that the Zapfish is saved, we can go back to living our normal lives right? Doing nothing but do turf and ranked..."

"Hmm, you're worried that now everything is back to normal we won't hang out as much because there aren't anymore missions for us to complete?"

He tensed behind you as you put the curry on a plate along with some rice. You hit a bullseye, you quietly chuckled and spun around, making eye contact with the yellow haired male. He had a guilty look on his face, along with a light blush of pink dusted on his features. You rolled your eyes and pushed him gently.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now