Ch. 11

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"Y/n? Y/n! Wa... don't lea....hey...!" The voice was faint but you recognized it and identified it as an ally.

"Y/n! It's me Mike! Wake up!" Your eyes fluttered open to meet Mike's worried green orbs. You were rested in his arms in the alley way, confused as the sun was covered by the white puffy cloud.

"Y/n, when I was going to check for you, you were passed out on the ground. Are you ok?" Mike picked you up bridal style with worry all over his features, you weakly nodded and smiled.

"Y-yeah...I think I just...saw the future or something...!" the innocent girl giggled, Mike only sighed as a reply.

"Well I told the 'Sisters' that I'll be bringing you home now, also Callie said that she couldn't trust herself with these and neither could we're giving the hypno shades to you. DO. NOT. WEAR. THEM. Do you understa..." he trailed off looking at your sleeping form as he carried you, warmly smirking as he gave you a peck on the forehead and continued walking to your home.


The two of you were close to your destination, until.

"Woah Blue Boy is that you?" A female voice spoke, Mike being his normal colour looked up to see a green haired inkling, her hair in a bun and glasses on with her phone in hand.

"Oh yeah, It's me Yumi, the sniper from Y/n's team...I didn't know she had white hair 'til now." Yumi smiled as she tucked her phone into her pocket.

"So, you two a thing now?" She smirked, Mike smirked back, "Oh I wish, she's too good for me, might ruin the innocent!" He said, Yumi laughed, as patted the white haired female's head gently, and as though Y/n had known and felt the contact, smiled a bit in her sleep. It was starting to get late and Mike had better hurry. Yumi helped find the way and helped tuck Y/n into her bed.

"I didn't know Y/n lived alone in such a large house..." Mike said as he looked around your room, eyeing an empty stop on your bookshelf to place the Hypno Shades.

'Well, my house is far as frick from here...' Mike said, pissed off at himself. Yumi seemed to notice his stressed face and politely asked if he was ok. He convinced her that he was fine and said that she should leave, before Yumi complied she asked if he was gonna keep an eye on you for her which took him a minute before agreeing to do so. Yumi smiled and waves goodbye before leaving your room, down the hall, down the stairs and out the door, making sure to lock it before she left.


Yeah I know it's short and all but like listen, I felt like posting and ya'll know about that Unicorn vs Narwal splatfest? Yeah, I'm looking forward to that one, it said to be the most Majestic, so I chose unicorn. I'm kinda sad that Splatfest'll end with the final one being Chaos vs Order. I'm going with team order on this one. But like will we be able to unlock both team gear? Cause those look lit...I don't want splatfest to end, it's like the reason why Splatoon 1 ended...don't do this nintendo! </3

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