CH 18

655 19 15

Agent 8's POV

"She's asleep huh? Must be exhausted from all the information...ah she reminds me when my little artists were younger..." Cap'n Cuttlefish reminisced while I gave a nod from where I sat, Y/n was still asleep on my lap as I made sure nothing was to harm her. I never really got a chance to understand or talk to Y/n but she gives off this feeling where she must be protected at all costs. If anything were to happen to her, I'll splat everyone here, then myself-

I continued to stroke Y/n's sleeping face, she looked so peaceful, yet behind this silent sleeper, she seems to hold a lot of sounds, she speaks freely and speaks her mind, something I cannot seem to do, due to this bothersome language barrier and my inability to speak fluent inklish.... Though it's nice how she speaks freely toward me, and she has started to trust me! Though trusting people right off the bat may be dangerous, she's familiar with Captain, sort of. Therefore, she must be trustworthy! Her eyes, even when shut, show promise.

Just as I felt my eyes grow heavy the two doors opened and revealed a small blue Sea Cucumber with a captain's hat, it sluggishly and slowly moved its way here before speaking to me and the cap, catching the captain by surprise.

"Thank you for using Deepsea Metro today." It began, I couldn't help but stare at it as it seemed to look over toward me and Y/n before facing forward to speak to the rest of us.

"I am your humble conductor, C.Q Cumber."

"You gotta be squiddin' me! A talkin' sea slug?!" Cap'n, sounding shocked, exclaimed as he examined the small creature before him. Judging by his reactions I assumed he was surprised by the fact this subway train was being conducted by a slug rather than something with arms and legs. Maybe he expected another inkling? Or maybe a jellyfish, well whatever he expected, he didn't expect this.

"Pardon me? I take it this is your first time riding with us..." Mr. C.Q. Cumber had such a shrill voice, it was very fitting for him, since Mr. C.Q. Cumber looks so...cute? Not in that way, the way I cannot seem to currently explain to myself, but C.Q. Cumber is the kind of cute that makes you want to squeal and just squish him.

"S-so...cute..." a quiet and tired voice sounded, everyone looked at me before down to the interestingly white-haired female that lay comfortably on my lap. She was awake, I felt my heartbeat skip, just once. I felt myself smile as I poked her cheek to which she let out a lovely giggle before sitting up and greeting everyone.

"hmm, Good Morning everyone...what did I miss?" Y/n asked sleepily as she rubbed her eye, I felt my smile widen at the sight of her as I pointed toward the blue slime in front of us before making some sort of driving motion as though I was steering a vehicle, she nodded in understanding and began to speak, If I were to speak, Mr. Cuttlefish would probably be forced to translate, I'm just relieved friend Y/n was able to understand from my hand gestures.

"Are you the um..." She trailed off a bit looking around before making a 'o' shape with her mouth once recalling her surroundings.

"You must be the conductor of this subway, right?" She asked, seeming to suddenly have a small burst of energy, she's like a battery, the moment she's all charged up she immediately starts working again. I'll keep note of that, she's very jolly. And it appears my mood seems to boost in her wake. I'll keep note of that too.

"Why yes, welcome aboard to Deepsea Metro." C.Q. Cumber seemed to appreciate the acknowledgment of his skills and job as the conductor, he what I assumed gave a grateful nod toward Y/n. She smiled at me before clasping her hands and leaning forward the blue sparkling sea slug.

"You're soo cute too! Can I just...boop your snoot?" I myself didn't understand the concept of booping a snoot. What's a snoot? My answer was soon answered when she booped the front of Mr. C.Q. Cumber, some of his slime seemed to stick onto Y/n's finger to which she only giggled in response before unexpectedly bringing it toward my face as though she were to touch my face with the blue substance. Instinctively I backed away unsure and slightly frightened by the sudden movement. I examined it as she seemed to be doing the containment of excitement.

"I-I never gave you permission to suddenly poke my face...!" C.Q. Cumber seemed to have a pinkish color on the side of his...face? He cleared his throat as Captain Cuttlefish seemed to chuckle at our childish ways including Mr. C.Q. Cumber's reaction to having his face poked. Y/n jokingly apologized as she too emitted the sounds of giggles, to which lightened my heart and once again, boosted my mood to a positive one. Mr. C.Q. Cumber cleared his throat before suddenly "walking" up toward us.

"here's the deal. We're in a vast underground facility operated by the Kamabo Corporation... It's a series of test chambers connected by the Deepsea Metro subway system." We all nod in understanding as Y/n gives a hum and Captain Cuttlefish stays quiet, probably going to comment every now and then, but for an old squid like him, I guess it's natural for him to be a little silent every now and then.

I was a little busy thinking to myself I hadn't noticed C.Q. Cumber looked my way until Y/n lightly bumped my shoulder before giggling at my small mistake, I grew slightly embarrassed before looking down toward our conductor.

"I see you're in possession of a CQ-80 device, as well as your white inked friend." He inquired as I took out this strange device from my pocket, Y/n too revealed her CQ-80 device staring into it with a curious face. I noticed to also still have possession of an ink tank, yet no weapon. He examined it as Y/n then suddenly chimed in sounding confused.

"Now that I think about it, after receiving these cool gadgets, the strange telephone was talking about how these things are essential to making it to this "Promised Land". What do we do with them if we lose them?! W-will we be stuck here forever?!" Y/n sounded panicked near the end, I quickly shook my head and tried to gesture to her that we should let Mr. C.Q. Cumber finish explaining for a better understanding of this situation, she seemed to get the message of calming down as she nodded and took a deep breath.

"Don't sound so frantic Y/n! I didn't receive one, so I guess that means only you and 8 here have a responsibility of taking care of them, and who knows! Maybe it's cause I'm old? But don't worry, we'll all get out of here." Captain Cuttlefish tried to help Y/n calm down as I nodded in agreement, she looked down and then back up to Captain Cuttlefish.

"M-maybe you're right, but even so... Darn if only I noticed 8's inktank earlier I would've found a way to keep my splattershot and let him keep it." She sighed only for Mr. C.Q Cumber to make a clicking sound as to gain Y/n's attention.

"We are sorry, but for the safety of our passengers we do not allow any weapons on board whatsoever, we apologize for the inconvenience Ms. Y/n." The blue cucumber explained to which Y/n slumped and coming to the only conclusion there was she sighed.

"Which means I would've had to get rid of my splattershot anyway" She pouted pursing her lips as she put her elbows to her knees and allowed her head to rest upon her hands. I rose up and stretched from her short-lived nap earlier. And gave a small hand movement to allow C.Q. Cumber to continue his explanation of the topic at hand.

"Now that I have confirmed that you all are reaching to aim the promised land-"

"That's right! We want out of here!" Cap'n Cuttlefish voice sounded; I had almost forgotten he had been here that I was startled. I couldn't help but create a sour face toward the small scare of his voice.

"Understood. The promised land is a paradise to which we denizens of the depths are forbidden entry."

"Wait, does this have to do with the type of creatures you are? If so...t-that's horrible..." Y/n commented feeling sorry for everyone unable to experience the same things she has up on the surface. I could tell that this left a bitter taste in her mouth as she clutched at her clothing, though I can not promise that we'll be in the same place she came from and is used to, but I do promise we will find a way out here.

I promise to bring her out

I promise to get to the Promised Land

I promise to do whatever I must

If it means I get to be around Y/n.

I'll do it.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now