A lol oneshot

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Mike's POV
I've been stuck on this tower for as long as I can remember, Princes coming to save me then leaving when the realize I'm a guy...Everything is sickening, I just want to leave why is that so hard? Stupid dragon.
The said dragon seemed to become annoyed with the Princes' behavior, the blue dragon leaned from the tower poking it's head through the window.
"Y'know they probably think you're a girl because the poster's say 'M' as your name, and the fact your trapped in a tower what else are they to assume?"
I only glared at the dragon before throwing a pillow at him, huffing as he turned into his inkling form. His piercing blue eyes boring holes at me, I was only in a long ass t-shirt that ended up to my knees.

"You also look pretty gay in tha-"

"Shut up." I huffed and looked out the window signaling for the Dragon aka 3 to leave me be, seeming to get the message by my annoyed state he did.

"UGH IT'S BEEN THREE DAYS NOW! They've probably spread rumor not to save me from the frucking place because I'm a guy! Saying stuff like 'woah what a faggot' or 'it's a dude he can save himself' or 'gay'" i yell mimicking with my arms before throwing them into the air in irritation.

"Um, M! I've come to save you! This was the most dangerous thing I've ever done so you better be alive!" A voice yelled unexpectedly, I peeked at the window just enough so they couldn't see me, I squinted at the small figure below. I couldn't tell what they looked like but they seemed to have white hair?

"You know, I don't even care anymore! Save me or not, FYI I'm a Guy! And everyone says they'll save me and either die because of the dragon or leave me alone because I'm a prince yes I. AM. A. GUY!" After those words the voice had gone quiet, and I didn't even bother to look out the window, assuming they left I sighed.

"Sweet, so I'm a girl, Princess Y/n of Inkoplia, pleased to meet you Prince M."

At the sudden voice I jolted up and turned around to see a white haired princess, a beaten up but not dead 3 seeming to be dragged and a long roll of rope in the girl's other hand along with an inkbrush attached to her back. Her f/c dress seemed to be folded and tied with a cute bow in the front. Though part of it ripped and wrinkled probably by her fight and climb, she had her long tentacles hanging low and a small gold crown with f/c and sf/c gems on it assuming they were maybe f/gem. My eyes widened as she dropped the sleeping 3 onto the ground and offered me her hand.

"Come on, let's go before he wakes up, him being asleep means no dragon chasing us while we get away!" She smiled at me with a strange sense of pureness. I smiled and took her hand as she threw down the rope after securing it tightly onto the bed.

"The distressed before beauty!~" she said letting me first, I rolled my eyes and grabbed onto the rope lowering my self down, did she really run all the way here, I see no trace of transportation, she just came here for me? I finally reached the bottom to see her still on top her back facing the window as she was seeming to be backing up, nervously.

'What is she doing...?'

Your POV

There could only be one at a time, so I let M first. Once he got down, I sighed looking around the place, it was rather clean for a place to be trapped in. The last thing that could ever ruin this for me would be him waking up. I was just about to leave until I heard shuffling and something grab my arm, it was a hand that had black claws and blue scales on pale skin. I looked down to see the dragon in his inkling like form with a look of sadness and maybe loneliness.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now