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You knew you were supposed to be finding Callie and The Great Zapfish, but you and Mike had gotten into a small fight..
Unfortunately Mike decided to stay back and keep working, despite feeling bad for slacking off, you sat a table and sulked instead of read, think on how you were being...clueless.
"Woaaaah! This is some neat armor!" You looked the octoling up and down, noticing it's evident blush at the compliments you threw at it. You placed a hand on it's cheek and caressed it's face with your thumb,
"Dont worry! You're beautiful just the way you are!" You smiled as the Octoling began to talk about it's insecurities and problems, you giving advice and telling them how you felt. They just needed some sympathy and someone to care for them, that's al-
"Y/N!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Mike dashed forward and splatted your Octoling friend in front of you the ink it exploded from splatted onto your face.
"...y-you..." you looked at Mike with tears in your eyes Mike took a step back shocked at your expression.
"What have you done...?" You whispered picking up a piece of it's armor before it formed into f/c ink.
"I saved you! The Octarians took Callie! Remember? And The Great Zapfish!"

"She was harmless!"

"Well her friends beg to differ!"

"No! They were just misunderstood! They're-"

"Y/n! You're too nice! Quit it and let's complete our mission...clueless..." Mike's tone was dark, and unwelcoming. Tears began to roll down your cheeks, looking down to hide them away from him.
"Agent 4? Y/n? Are you two ok?"
The sound of Marie's voice rang in the headset, resulting in you removing it off you and throwing it at Mike.
"Y-y/n? What the-"
You're head shot up looking him in the eye. His eyes widened at your glossy eyes your face stained with tears. You slapped him before squid jumping out and to Marie.
You sighed at the salty memory, how you slapped Mike over a death of the enemy. He was right you're too soft. What happened to the you that liked to be alone and splat all your foes with a blaster? Was it because they became your friend? You banged your head onto the table groaning, startling a couple inklings nearby. You heard a chair squeak and something sit in front of you, it was Crusty Sean himself.
"Oh...hey Sean..." you raised your head, your chin rested on the table.

"Need to talk about stuff squiddo? Ya know, Crusty Sean always got ya back!" He patted your head. Crusty Sean was like an older brother to you, maybe even a dad. When you first arrived to Inkopolis Square you were completely, well alone. No one to turn to as people called you weird, you were eating Sean's food when you two met. He noticed how you looked lost and isolated from the rest of the world, so he gladly spoke to you.
"Nah, just having a rough day..." you replied smiling weakly.
"You got in a fight didn't you?"
'Carp! How'd he know!? Is he psychic!? What do I say!?' You began to sweat as Sean only laughed rubbing your head, as you hid your face back into the table.
"If you sulk anymore your face will be as flat as the table" Sean pointed out.
"So who was it?" He asked, you knew he just wanted to help you, but the events of you slapping Mike and arguing replayed in your head not only angering you but also making you feel bad.
"I really have gone soft..." you mumbled but stoll audible for Sean. He let out a 'huh?' as tears threatened to spill again, the loud clap of your hand against his face as he turned the other cheek eyes wide.
"I slapped him Sean...I slapped Mike..."

"Mike? Who's Mike? Missy, listen if this Mike is troubling you I'll-" you don't want him to know about the missing squid sisters, how you are met with agents, and that you have been fighting octarians.
"No! It's fine! Really it is! I just feel bad."
"I'm sure you had a good reason to slap and splat, squiddo. I mean, slapping isn't reaaaalllyyyyy" he trailed off as you had tears running down your face and onto the table, pooling to the ground as the tears fell through the holes. You felt a pair of arms and crusty chest hold you in a tight embrace, you returned the action by hugging back.
"Hey, how about you go play some games, or maybe turf and rank to get this off ya mind? I have customers to serve!"
You nodded and booped his "nose"
"Thanks dad" you joked as you then jogged toward the lobby feeling slightly better after the talk with Sean.
"Anytime Squiddo..." Sean smiled and headed back to his food truck and began to serve the rest of his customers.
You don't know how...but apparently you had lost to the Blue team. All because you ate curry rice with Goggles. You didn't do anything wrong did you? You sighed as you exited the lobby, turning your head to look at the water pipe.
Instead you sat down next to Jud and Lil Jud and began to sulk, and who was there to see you?

The Blue Team.

"Hey! Look! That's one of them! She has White ink'" You heard Goggles point out

"We Found Her Yay!~" An innocent Bobble hat smiled

"Goggles! Shut up!" Glasses and Headphones both attempted to cease Goggles' loudness but unfortunately failed, as he zig zagged toward the white haired Inkling.

"Hey! It's me Goggles! Remember from the battle earlier?" You stared at Goggles and nodded smiling weakly.

"Hey, if it's because you lost, It's ok! As long as ya had fun am I right?" He smiled causing you to unconsciously smile with him.

"Thanks Goggles, and you and your team were pretty good! Today just isn't one of my best battle moods..."

"I understand, sonetimes you just gotta lay back, huh?"

you faced the water pipe again and made a decision. You're going to apologize for slapping the Mike boi.

"Alright Blue Boy, how about you go and practice with your team, who knows who'll battle next." You smiled patting him on the shoulder as you stood up and brushed the dirt off your backside.

"Hm, alright! See ya around Whitey!"

'Whitey? Pfft...i forgot to tell him my name...' you smiled as you headed home, waiting for it to become dark.

*dies inside*

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now