CH 17

857 19 11

*insert Furret Walk Meme with Bidoof*

The three of you kept walking, making your way down the train track tunnel, your hand still held in the octoling's, he seemed to be looking around making sure nothing was to jump out from anywhere, a little paranoid as he looked up and back every now and then. The three of you were then met up with a clearing, noticing that your side of the tracks seem to just go on and on, it seemed useless to carry on when you're greeted with empty space, a tiny light and what you assumed was a telephone when you squinted toward it. You felt the octoling let go of your hand before carrying you up to the upper platform, then he helped Cap'n Cuttlefish, you as well had helped the old ink sac up. Despite the fact we're made of ink he does look pretty scrawny and gave Cap'n Cuttlefish his bamboozler/cane as his support as you then helped up the octoling to your level. He gave a grateful smile as you gave one back, his smile reminded you of your friends back at inkopolis, sending a chill down your back. You were growing homesick by the minute as you felt a little nauseous and anxious, wanting nothing more than to get back.

"Well, we found a way out...sort of..." Cap'n Cuttlefish broke the silence as you and the pink haired octopus looked around, the place was oddly...empty and somewhat clean as hardly any trash was seen looked back to see a vending machine, and lockers, they look quite you at least...You back to see the octo boy in your face with a cat like smile, you, out of shock yelped and tripped taking a step backwards before feeling yourself fall, you were stopped with a pair of hands on your own before picking you up and dusting you off for you. You gulped and blushed stupidly before thanking him, he gave you a pat on the head.

"Ah you two remind me of my younger days...!" Cap'n Cuttlefish smiled at you and the octoling only to see the two of you blush before you spoke up trying to excuse your red face.

"I-I um...don't think this is the way out...but hey, it's better than that...dark there seems to be light...and that phone over there...!" You shrunk at the sound of your own voice echoing around the place. You noticed the octoling boy out of curiosity walking up to the telephone, you and Cap'n Cuttlefish looked at each other before following behind him, he gave it a small poke before it suddenly sprung to life, startling you as you jolted before nervously laughing...




"That's guess...?" You said as you examined the telephone, it had gone quiet for a moment, you and the octoling made eye contact before it spoke up once again.

"Greetings 10,008 and 10,009. Your current location is Deepsea Metro Central Station. My primary function is to facilitate your journey to the promised land. Pleased to make your acquaintance." You cringed at the very formal speech, the octoling didn't seem to mind as it spoke inklish. You immediately assumed that the octoling is mute or can understand what you say to him, that added some sort of comfort to you. He looked back at you and gave you a small concerned smile, you returned the smile with one of your own, also filled with worry as the chatterbox began to suddenly emit more static. Your heads snapped back toward the telephone as it began to speak of some sort of speech...


[EFFICIENCY: 12.42%]


"Haha...what?" You eyed the telephone, moving your face closer towards it, the octoling staring at you before copying your actions, you were scared approaching it but got close enough thinking the volume had suddenly gone down.

Male! Agents 3,4,&8 x Inkling!Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now