The Party

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    Hey guys this is my first ever book if you have any suggestions or questions please do tell me so I can make this book enjoyable for everyone. This chapter is probably going to be short because I don't want to tell everything in the first chapter. Go follow me on Instagram kenzspam031 I might do q&a on there also if you want to DM me for any reason. Go subscribe to my YouTube channel Randomation. So that's the end of the Authors note.

I'm getting ready to go out to a party with my friends right now. I'm the youngest out of all of them 17. I know what your thinking how are you going to get into that party. Well here's a little secret it's called a fake I.D. Okay so let's get to know me a little I'm 4'11" I know I'm short. My idol is Demi Lovato (she's a queen). I'm lesbian and just got out of a bad relationship. My body shape is pretty small for a 17 year old if you can't tell by the picture above. Lastly, my favorite color is teal with a bit of a green tint.

Okay let's get back to what I was doing. My make up look is black eye shadow on the the inner end of the eye and a bronze eye shadow over the eye lid. To top off the look I put a thin eyeliner wing, a semi nude lipstick, and a dash of blush. I'm wearing a two piece black dress. Lastly, I have to curl my Y/H/C locks and put my heels on then I'm done.

      I just finish my make up when Ashleigh (she's 23 years old) texted me she's here. I grabbed my hand bag, my phone, I.D, and some money. I got in the car and Ashleigh drove off while I talked to Jenna ( she's 21 years old). We arrived at the club at 11:38 which is a little later then usual. Once we got to where they check your I.D he kind of hesitated, but let me in anyway. The first thing I did when I got in was ask for a strawberry margarita (which is my favorite drink here). When Ashleigh and Jenna came over to ask for drinks I was already tipsy (I know I'm a lightweight). I was on my third glass and Jenna pointed out this cute girl. The room was too dark to fully make out what she fully looked like.

Jenna "Hay Y/N look at that girl over there I think she's checking you out." She says while pointing out the beautiful girl in the corner of the room.
"Are you sure she looking at me." When I looked at her I was wondering why does she look so familiar.
Jenna "Yes just look at the way she's looking at you she's biting her lip..........." I zoned out what Jenna was saying I was looking at the girl trying to figure out who she is.
"Why does she look familiar I feel like I've seen her some where?" I questioned
Ashleigh "Just go over there and talk to her, jeez." She says with a sassy tone.
"Just one more shot please, to relax my nerves."
"Fine" they both said at the same time.
"Okay, I'm ready bye love ya." I said as I winked at them.
Jenna "Good luck don't do something stupid." Ashleigh just rolled her eyes and had another shot.

     After that shot I kind of regretted it at this point I was really drunk and couldn't see straight. On the way over to that girl that, look so familiar, I started to feel dizzy. Next thing I knew I was on the floor right in front of this girl. That's when I realized it was DEMI FUCKING LOVATO. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Demi asking if I was okay. Ughh, why did I have 3 shots of vodka I now regret that decision.

I just woke up, why am I in a very strange room but, that is not what I care about at the moment I have a really bad headache. I tried to sit up but it hurt even more so I yelled "FUCK!!". That's when I realized that someone was standing in the door way.

"Ahhhhh, who are you and where am I?" I could not see straight so I couldn't tell who it was.
Person "Finally your awake, do you remember anything from last night?" I really am not feeling very well and I just want to know what's going on.

She didn't answer my question, but why did her voice sound so familiar. "No, all I know is I have the worst FUCKING headache in the world. Also who are you and where am I? Are you going to answer my question or not." After I said that she left the room all I could do is sit there, because if I stood up I probably would throw up.

She came back in the room and sat on the bed next to me and said "Here take this for the pain and then rest, once you feel better we can talk, Alright?". I nodded took the medication and the water from her hand and I was out like a light. I didn't even realize that I was in a strangers house. While I was sleeping I decided to figure out why that voice sounds familiar.

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