Birthday Party

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Ariana's Pov 

     Today is Y/N 's birthday thank god she is still sleeping so I can make her a special birthday breakfast. I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen to make some chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. Demi is out buying presents late I know, but we've both been very busy lately.

     I went up stairs to wake Y/N up since it's already 10:15 and we have a lot to do today. I went to the side of her bed and took the guard rail down and shook her a little bit. Took her awhile to finally wake up.

"I made you a special breakfast?" I said trying to have her happy this morning.

"I tired mama just let me sleep." She said whining.

"Do I have to go find the tickle monster to wake you up?" I said jokingly.

"Nooooo don't I will get up." She said very cranky. I guess I shouldn't of woke her up.

"If you are going to be cranky today then no special birthday surprise." I said seriously.

"Then let me sleep." Y/N said with a sassy tone.

"Do you want a time out little one?" I ask her sternly.

"Ok I'm sorry mama I won't do it again." She said as she was about to cry.

"No no no don't cry it's ok, let's go downstairs and eat that special breakfast, yah?" I say trying to make her feel better. Y/N nodded and we headed downstairs to eat. Me and Demi decided to go to the trampoline park for her party.

     After we finished eating Demi came home with a bunch of bags so I went to help her. I told Y/N to go upstairs to her room and get ready for the day and go play for a little bit. So me and Demi can cleaning the house. After we finished wrapping the presents and putting them in the car we left for a trip with Y/N.

Demi's POV

   We just started driving 5 minutes ago and it takes about an hour to get where we are going. Today's traffic is telling me it's going to take 2 hours. Also it doesn't help that every minute Y/N asks if we are almost there.

"Mommy are we almost there I'm getting tired and want suckies." She said whining and I don't blame her she's been a little off since I've been home.

"No baby we are not just take a nap till we get there can you do that for mommy." Say trying to calm her down a little, but she starts to cry.

"Y/N what's wrong please don't cry. We will be there when we get there ok." I tried again but it didn't work. Thankfully Ari is driving so can try and comfort her.

"I I I w w want s s suckies to sleep." She says through her cry's. Which broke my heart maybe I can give her suckies because the windows are very tinted.

"Ok fine promise you will take a nap then?" I ask desperately so we can get to the trampoline park without Y/N nagging us when we are going to be there.

"Yes mommy I I I p promise." She says while hiccuping after her crying. So I crawled in the back took my shirt of partially and undid my bra. I saw Ari looking through the rear view mirror smirking. Once I got Y/N latched on she fell asleep.

"You like what you see babe?" I ask with a smirk.

"Maybe, don't make me horny right now I'm trying to drive." She says whining out of frustration.

"I'm sorry I'm trying to calm Y/N down unless you want her to be cranky when she wakes up." I say jokingly while kissing Y/N's forehead which is a little warm.

"I know I'm just messing with you." Ari says while looking at the road.

"Do we have the thermometer Y/N feels warm." I asked a bit worried.

"Ummm I think so it should be in my purse." She says concerned.i go in her purse and find it. It's one to check on you forehead soo don't accidentally wake her up. When it beeped I looked at it her temp is 98.9 degrees.

"Does she have a fever or no?" Ari asks.

"Not really it's at 98.9 it's also a bit warmer then usually today that also could be why." I say and the rest of the car trip was a comfortable silence with the radio playing in the background.

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