Sick Days Part 2

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Y/N Pov

     When I woke up mommy was gone and I started to cry. Then someone came running into the room. She looked familiar, but I couldn't see through the tears.

"Hey what's wrong little one?" She asked as she walked towards me. That's when I remember mommy said that Ariana is going to watch me while she's at the store.

"I miss mommy and don't feel good." I croak.

"I know she will be bad soon, can I check your temperature please?" She asks. I nod knowing if I fight with her mommy might get mad. After she checked my temp she gave me this pink medicine. To be honest it doesn't taste as good as it looks.

"Y/N are you hungry or thirsty?" Ari asks.

"Can I just have some juice please?" I ask politely.

"Yes, if you at least try to eat something. Demi said you have to eat at least a little bit of food before she gets back." She says. I wasn't feeling really hungry, but I agreed anyways. She came back in the room with a sippy cup with juice, oatmeal, and a bottle with milk.

"Here you go cutie." She says as she gives me my food and juice.

"Thanks, Ari I need to be changed" I say feeling very uncomfortable in a wet pull-up.

"Can you eat while I go grab the stuff to change you?" She asks while getting up. I just nod and started to scoop some food in my mouth. After I finish a couple of bites my stomach started to feel icky. Then Ari comes in the room with a pull-up and wipes.

"Y/N come here so I can change you." She said. When I stood up I started to feel dizzy. I started to walk which didn't help my stomach and I threw up everywhere.

"Y/N!!!!! Hey it's ok sit down and relax." She said so I sat down on the floor sobbing I hate being sick. Ari left the room to clean up the mess. When she came back I could barely keep my eyes open so I decided to lay down and sleep.

Ariana's Pov

When I came back in the room Y/N was sleeping on the floor. I feel bad she's been having a rough day with being sick and all. I finished cleaning up her puke mess, then changed her without waking her up. Once I finished that up I put her food and drinks away before Demi came home.

Once I finished putting her stuff away Demi walked in the door. With a bunch of bags so I helped her put the stuff away.

"How was Y/N while I was gone?" She asked as we finished putting all the stuff away.

"Good she ate alittle but then threw it up afterwards and then fell asleep on the floor." I say

"I feel bad she looks so miserable." I added while we walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"I know, want to watch T.V until she wakes up or anything else?" Demi asks. I thought for a minute before she kissed me. I was surprised for a second then started to kiss her back. Thank god she pulled away before it got to heated.

"Sorry sorry sorry I know I shouldn't of done that." She said while blushing and embarrassed.

"No no it's ok Demi I just didn't expect you to kiss me. It's alright I'm not mad." I try to explain to her the best I could.

"Are you sure your not mad at me?" She asks

"I'm sure now about that movie...." I say blushing.

"Let me take Y/N up to her room then maybe we could have some fun." She says biting her lip with a wink at the end of the sentence.

"Ohhh is someone a little horny." I say teasing her.

"More than a little." She says as she walks away swaying her hips back and forth. She is such a tease and she knows it too.


Hey just a quick authors note thanks for reading please let me know what you want to see in the future chapters. I need to know how you guys feel about this book. 😋😀😊 Also don't forget to vote if you want a shout out

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