The Sleepover

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Y/N Pov

     Me and Maddie are playing with some toys right now, the rest of the family left earlier. After along time of me and Maddie playing Ari came in my room.

     "Hey girls want to come downstairs to eat pizza?" She asks us.

     "Sure we will be down in a minute." Maddie says and I nod. We cleaned up the mess and went downstairs to eat.

     "Demi can I feed Y/N tonight?" Maddie asks mommy.

     "Sure, I guess you guys really do love her." Mommy says really surprised. What is there not to like about me I'm cutie at least that's what mommy says.

     "Who wouldn't just look at her she's cute aren't you Y/N/N?" Maddie says in a baby voice that made me smile.

     "Duh, mommy can I have some Sprite?" I say and everyone starts laughing.

     "Sure baby only a little bit you don't need a lot of sugar before bed." Mommy said I nodded while Maddie was feeding me.

     After dinner I watched some cartoons while Maddie, Mommy, and Ari were either talking or on their phones. I was starting to get tired so I sat on mommies lap and watched one of mommies crime shows.

     "Hey baby girls what's up?" Mommy asked me.

     "I have suckies pwease?" I ask tiredly.

     "Sure do you want to sleep down here with Maddie or both of you in your room?" She asks knowing I'm getting tired.

     "Down here can you and Ari join us too." I ask being very clingy for some reason.

     "No baby girl maybe next time I have to get up early in the morning." She says trying to act sad.

     "Ok can I have suckies now pwease." I ask politely but being inpatient.

     "Yes" she says as she takes off her shirt and half of her bra off to latch me on. After a while I start to fall asleep so mommy replaced her boob with my nuk. Then she placed me on the air mattress to go to sleep and left.

     Later in the night I woke up wanting mommy. Maddie was in a deep sleep so she couldn't help. Either way she can't give me suckies so there is no point. I get up to go to Mommies room I heard a strange noise coming from there room.

     It was like she was getting hurt and I started to get scared. I start to silently cry the closer I got to mommies room the louder it got. I'm surprised I didn't hear her all the way down stairs. When I opened the door I wish I didn't do that. I just stood there staring at them and apparently that didn't notice me because they didn't stop.

     Sorry for the very short chapter but the next will hopefully be longer also the shoutout goes to katiemangham thanks fore voting. To earn a shoutout all you need to do is vote for my book. Also thanks for reading I hope you all are enjoying this book.

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