Scared of Mommy

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     Right now I'm sitting with mama on the couch after mommy put me in time out. I am so hungry, but every time I want to talk it seems like I can't form words. Let's try one more time I hope I can at least say mama or hungry.

"M m mama" I said to my best ability right now. She looked at me and asked me "what's up baby girl"

   I just put my hand on her boob trying to tell her I want suckies meaning I'm hungry. She looked at me a little confused so I started to whine and my tummy made that weird noise again.

"Are you hungry little one?" Mama asked I just nodded.

"Ok do you want suckies or actual food" I just pointed to her boob telling her I want suckies.

"Ok let's go get mommy to feed her babygirl." She said which made me cry because of when mommy scared me.

"Hey Hey it's ok y/n ssshhhhh I'll get mommy. DEMI" I just kept crying why doesn't she understand.

"Coming! What's wrong y/n? Hey mommy's here now are you hungry little one? Ya ok let me feed you." Mommy said I just kept crying and trying to get out of mommy's tight grip on me.

    Mommy sat down in the recliner and started to lift her shirt and take off her bra. I still had tears running down my face from fear I was so hungry I latched on, but that didn't stop the tears.

"There you go good girl. What are these tears for. I'm not going to hurt you again ok sweetheart. Mommy is really sorry she made you scared of her ok." Mommy said in a sweet voice I didn't notice how tired I was until now.

"Mommy sing p'ease?" I asked because that is the only way I knew she was really sorry. She started singing Warrior, right before I fell asleep she said "good night my little warrior." Then She unlatched me and put my paci in and I was out like a light.


Hey guys I know it's a really short chapter but I want to tell you to go check out my new book/story what ever you want to call it. It's basically where you guys ask me questions to get to know me a little bit.

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