Demi and Ariana's day alone.

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Demi's POV

We just had sent y/n to my moms house so me and Ariana could have a day with out her. It's not that we don't want y/n around Ari and I have been stressed with work. Also, she has been very clingy lately especially during the night we just needed a day alone to get some sleep back that is very needed.

"Hey Babe what do you want to do today?" I ask as we are sitting on the couch.

"Probably take a nice bath, take a a nap, and just watch tv with this beauty sitting next to me." She said the last part made me blush.

Diana's POV

Y/n has been crying since she's been here so an half hour. She won't take a bottle her diaper is fine and a nap is needed. I tried everything, but she won't calm down if she keeps crying like this she's gonna end up getting sick. Which won't help the situation, how does Demi do this every day. I know I have three kids of my own, but it's been so long since I've had a baby like about 17-18 years ago.

"Shhh, y/n it's ok." I whisper softly as I rock her back and forth.

Thankfully that is helping she's still crying but is not screaming anymore so I keep rocking back and forth. Now she is calm to the point where I can hopefully give her a bottle. Demi had bought new bottles which are softer on y/N's gums so hopefully she takes it. I grab the bottle off the table and give it to y/n she tanks the bottle I wait to make sure she won't spit it out.

As She is finishing her bottle she starts to fall asleep I let her stay in my arms until she is in a deep sleep since I don't want to risk waking her up. Once y/n is fully asleep I replace the bottle with a paci and lay her on the couch with multiple blankets and pillows around her.

5 hours later

Ariana's POV

Demi and have been watching tv for an hour now it's around 4:00. I can tell there is something wrong with Demi since she isn't cuddling up to me or is laugh when something funny happens on the show.

"Hey, babes what's wrong?" I ask she just shrugs.

"You do know I can't read your mind so can you please tell me what's wrong?" I ask again she sighs before speaking.

"I miss y/n I feel like somethings missing I know this is supposed to be a day for us to relax, but it just doesn't feel right. I missed her this whole time, but now I can't take it anymore. I need my baby." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Come here. I know how you feel I miss her too and don't care if this was supposed to be our day to relax. But how are we supposed to be better parents if we just have someone watch her for us to get a break. Do you want to go pick her up now?" I ask to help calm her down.

"Sure, but I don't want to ruin our night and I feel bad for leaving my mom with y/n since she has regressed to about a newborn." She said with a sad face.

"I don't care if we ruin our night I just want you to be happy, ok?" I say trying to cheer her up.

"Alright if you say so?" Demi says before giving me a hug.

"Alrighty go call your mom to let her know that we are coming to pick her up" I say.

After she called Diana we grabbed our stuff and changed out of our pjs. We left to Demi's moms house to pick up y/n. When we got there and walked in the door Demi ran to y/n because she was crying her little heart out. Once she was in Demi's arms she instantly calmed down. As I walked closer to them I just couldn't believe that this is my family. I smiled knowing that y/n was now calmed down and is not crying anymore.

We said our goodbyes then left back to the house. Y/n fell asleep on the way home I guess she did miss us that much I love her to the moon and back forever and always.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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