A Day with Mama

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Mommy is out doing interviews all day so it's just me and mama. I just woke up feeling really really little. I start crying even though I know mama is right next to me. Also, my diaper is really full and I'm hungry so I don't blame me.

Ariana's POV

I woke up to y/n crying and a stinky diaper. So I got up and changed her right away to prevent a rash. While changing her diaper I've notice is has gotten more dependent on me. Which gets me guessing she is really little today. I'm kind of hoping she will take a bottle because I can't breastfeed her.

"Hey little girl it's okay mamas right here see, please calm down for me. I'll go get your bottle want that ya. K let's go. " I tell her trying to keep myself and her calm right now. I take me and y/n downstairs I set her in her high chair which was a bad idea because her neck is not strong enough while in this head space. So I just hold her and warm up the bottle which is a difficult task.

I go sit on the couch and lay her across my lap getting ready to feed her. Y/n had other plans she is trying to feed through my shirt and is getting frustrated. "Hey y/n look I have a baba do you want look." I turn her head away from my chest and rub the nipple of the bottle on her lips. She laches on to the bottle but then spits it out probably not liking the feeling of there being no skin to skin.So I take my shirt of and try that, but she still won't take the bottle. I decided to call Demi to see what she would do.

Phone call

D: Hey Ari hows it going with y/n. Is everything ok why is she crying.
A: So She is really little today like really little and she won't take the bottle.
D: Did you try skin to skin
A: Yes she keeps trying to feed from me
D: Try latching her on and see what Y/n will do she probably is trying to calm herself down.
A: ok one question does it hurt.
D: If she latches on wrong a little but no.
A: Ok. ...... she's latched on.
D: is y/n getting mad or angry.
A: A little but I think it's cause she's hungry I'm going to try and feed her to see what happens see you later.
D: Bye call me if you need help with anything else.
A: I will love you bye.
D: Love you too.

5 hours later

Y/n has been doing good for most of the day. Demi should be home soon it's just about supper time I'm just finishing up the food. Demi walks in she already knows y/n is sleeping so she is being quiet.

"Hey babe how was work." I ask.
"Long and tiring the new album is going good so far. How was y/n?"
"A hand full just kidding she was good besides this morning but she finally got fed and is now sleeping."
"That's good"

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