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Demi's Pov

I just laid Y/N down on the air mattress after she fell asleep. The movie has just finished too. Maddie was on her phone I told her she has to be in bed by 10:45, because mom is picking her up at 8:30 for acting classes.

Me and Ari were getting ready for bed after I took my shirt off she pushed me on the bed hovering over me.

"Wow aggressive much is this why you've been so lovey today." I said being surprised by her actions usually she isn't aggressive.

"Maybe or it's because of you teasing me a couple of days ago." She says with pure lust in her eyes I guess I shouldn't of have done that.

"I know I'm the first girl you've been with we don't have to do this till your ready, I just don't want you to regret this okay." I say knowing she has never had sex with a girl before.

"I'm ready also really horny so let's do this I can't take it any longer." She says a bit hesitant.

"Are you sure Ari you seemed like you hesitated when you said that." I said.

"I'm sure I was just think of what to say since I've never had to tell anyone that before." She says being as confident as possible. I'm still not sure if we should do it until she started to grind on me. She's trying to turn me on and it's working to well. So I gave in to her.

"Here let's make a deal I do you first then once you see how it's done then you can do it to me deal." I say trying to convince her.

Smut warning

"Deal" she says then I flip us over so I'm on top of her.

I started kissing her which got heated really fast. I started to kiss her neck till I found her sweet spot and she started moaning. I went back up to her lips to keep her quiet. I took her shirt and shorts off very swiftly. Leaving Ari in her bra and lace underwear like she knew this was coming.

I started to kiss down took her boobs leaving love bites. Then kissed down to her stomach then to her inner thighs. She started to grind against my face so I held her down.

"Babe ..... Stop ....... Teasing me." She said out of breath.

"Just wait I'm almost there." I said suductively.

I started to rub her through her panties she started to have small moans. So I took her panties off with my teeth.

"I want you to watch me when I fuck you so you know how to do it and what you are doing." I say she nods.

I start by licking her slit she is already wet. Then I sucked on her clit and flicked it with my tongue. I looked at her for approval I could tell by her eyes she was ready. So I slide just one finger in her slowly just so can get used to it also because she was really tight. I pumped it in and out slowly when she started to grind on me I went a little faster.

"Demi faster please." She screams a little.

So I picked up the speed and added another finger. I started to fuck myself too knowing she is going to be tired out after this. I sucked her clit while I got faster and faster. I felt her walls clenching around my finger letting me know she was close. So I went faster all you could hear is moaning throughout the room.

"Cum for me baby cum really hard." As I say that she screams my name and cums all over my hand. I let her ride out her high before I clean her up.

"Mmmmmm baby you taste soooooo good." I say after cleaning her up and pecked her lips.

Smut ended

When I went to go check what time it was I saw Y/N standing in the door way.

" Y/N baby did you see all of that." I asked wondering how long she has been standing there. She just nods her head like she is scared. I threw on a oversized shirt and panties. Then walked over to her to talk to her. Ari had fell asleep afterwards so I wasn't to concerned about her right now.

"Are you ok you seem scared?" I say feeling bad that she had seen that.

"You scared me for life I thought you were dying don't do that to me." She say with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry we won't do that again why did you come in mommies room anyway." I asked curiously.

"I woke up and wanted suckies but Maddie can't do that so I came in your room." She says.

"Ok next time know please, do you still want suckies?" I ask seeing she won't be sleeping for awhile. She nods her head so I carry her downstairs and sat on the couch and gave her suckies. I fell asleep before she did. I don't usually like doing that because I know my boobs will be sore the next day. I was to tired to even care at that moment.


Thanks for reading my story hope you like it. Also if you would like to have a shoutout all you have to do is vote. Let me know how I did on this chapter I'm not really sure about it . It was my first time writing something like this.

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