Rules and Punishments

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I just woke up alone, so right now I am really scared and I don't know why. Maybe I'm falling to little space, but this fast I don't understand I hope I do soon. Then, Demi walks in the room with a notebook and a pull-up.

       Demi "Hey, your awake let's change your pull-up and then we will go through the rules and punishments. Ok?" She stated

      "Ok" I responded while I stood up. She changed my pull-up and then sat me on her lap. Which might I say I felt very relaxed when she held me or cared for me. It's like I can be care free and just not have to worry about anything around me.

        She grabbed the notebook from beside her and open to a page. One side says rules and punishments there is a list under both of them. There was also rewards too, but not very many. Then she cleared her throat like she is ready to talk.

       Demi "Ready?"

       "Ya just a little nervous about the punishments."

      Demi "Hey, it's okay to be a little nervous I will only go far if are really naughty, ok?"

      "Ya, ok I'm ready."

      Demi "Let's start with the rules."

      1. No drinking, drugs, or swearing (unless I say you can).
      2. Always call me mommy when your little so I know.
      3. You will be bottle or breast feed before bed time and nap or when you ask.
       4. You will always where a pull-up/diaper.
       5. You will be nice and respect if my friends or family come over.
       6. You can be affectionate if you want up to you.
       7. Bed at 8:00 during the week and 8:30 on weekends.
       8. You will eat a healthy balanced meal.
       9. You will drink at least 5 bottles of water a day.
       10. Only 4 hours of electronic time unless I say.
       11. 3 meals a day and 1 snack in between meals milk doesn't count.
       12. You will use manners.
       Now it's time for the punishments hopefully they aren't to bad. My hands are sweaty just thinking about them.

       1. Start with a warning.
       2. Then will be a time out.
       3. Next I will take something away.
       4. No mommy cuddles.
       5. Spankings.
       6. No milk before nap or bed you will have water instead.
       7. Early bed time.

      Demi "Are you ready for the rewards part?"

     "Obviously it's the best part out of this whole thing."

     Demi "Hahahahahaha, ok."

     1. Extra desserts.
     2. Extra mommy cuddles.
     3. Stay up late.
     4. Longer electronic time.

    Demi "Is there anything you would like me to add to the rewards or anywhere else." She says.

     "No mommy I think it sounds good." I respond it kind of sounds weird to call her mommy, but I will get used to it sooner or later.

     Demi "You don't have to call me mommy right away if you don't feel comfortable yet." She tells me I guess she could tell I was a little uncomfortable with it.

     "No, it's okay I will have to get use to it sooner or later anyways." I respond.

     Demi "What do you want to do till dinner time?" She asks me.

     "Can we just cuddle and watch the incredibles 2, please?" I respond/ ask at the same time.

     Demi "Sure baby sounds like a plan." I blush as she says that I don't know why, but she is so cute when she smiles. I think every lovatic can agree with me on that one.

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