Meeting the Family

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Demi's Pov

     Ok just to let you know, no me and Ari didn't do anything but watched a movie and cuddled last night. Keep in mind that Y/N is sick so we would have to check on her every half hour making sure her fever wasn't increasing.

     Her fever went down around 10:00 last night. Also, she dint eat much that night I'm a little worried. So I just woke up its 9:43 and I'm making breakfast, when Ari came downstairs with Y/N in her arms and it was so cute.

     "Hey Dem's what are you making?" She ask as she sat Y/N down in her highchair.

     "Pancakes with chocolate chips sound good?" I say with a smile.

     "Ya, also your mom called asking if she and the fam could come over." Ari says.

     "Ya and what did you say?" I ask wanting to know the answer.

     "I said I will have you call her later to talk about that knowing that you now have a little." She says.

     "Ok how long are you staying here." I ask not wanting her to leave because I could really use the help with cleaning to house and watching Y/N.

     "I don't know but if you want me to leave I can." She says sadly as I finished up the pancakes.

     "No no no that's not what I meant I'm just wondering because I could use the help around the house if my family is coming over." I say as I kissed her lips totally forgetting Y/N was right there.

     "Ewwwwwww mommy why did you do that? You forgot someone." Y/N ask disgusted.

     "What did I do this?" I say then pecked Ari's lips again.

     "Ya that and I want kishes too." She says in her cute little voice.

     "I kissed Ari because I love her and yes I will give you kisses too." I say while walking over to her and kiss all over her face as she laughs. I love her laugh it puts a smile on my face.

     "Ok now who's hungry?" I ask. Then Y/N started to bounce around in her highchair saying me repetitively. After we finished eating I called my mom back and we agreed that they could come over around 3:30 to meet Y/N.

     "Hey Ari can you give the little one a bath she's all sticky and so I can start cleaning the house up?" I ask.

     "Yes I would love to." She says as she pecks my lips letting her lips linger for a second. While Y/N was in the bath I cleaned the living room, let Batman and Cinderella go to the bathroom, and did some dishes. When Ariana came back down with Y/N I turned on the tv so we could get some more house work done. Once we finished with that it was nearly lunch time.

     "Should I call in a pizza for lunch?" I ask Ari and Y/N.

     "Ya" they both said in union which made me laugh a little. Once we finished eating I too Y/N upstairs to have a nap. I nursed her to sleep and went back down stairs to chill and watch tv. I tried to stay awake but failed.

     I woke up to Ari shaking me telling me that my family was here. I asked if Y/N was awake and Ari said ya and she is playing with Maddie and Dallas. So I went upstairs to check on her and my sisters.

     "I see you already met Maddie and Dallas." I say and Y/N jumps a little.

     "Hey Demi she is so cute and funny can I talk to you out in the hallway." Dallas says I nodded which worried me a little about what she is going to say, but I brushed it off.

     "What's going on between you and Ariana you guys seem really close lately?" She asks very curiously which annoyed me a bit.

     "What are you talking about we are friends can friends not be close anymore?" I say trying to sound confident because I don't know what me and Ari are right now.

     "Are you sure?" She asks

     "No I don't know what we are right now I guess you can say we are just trying it out right now seeing if it will work out or not. Why do you care so much anyways?" I say ending in a question.

     "So I can say Dariana is real!!" She practically screamed and I started to blush.

     "Whatever your weird so how's Y/N doing?" I say a little embarrassed.

     "Thanks she's good also she already calls me and mads aunt and mom and dad nana and papa." She says with a smile.

     "That's good I take that everyone already loves her." I say grinning.

     "Ya we do lov....." Dallas starts to say before comes running towards me and interrupting mine and Dallas's conversation.

     "What's up lovely?" I ask Y/N.

     "Can Maddie stay the night pretty please?" She asks with big puppy eyes.

     "Sure that's if Maddie wants to." I answer her knowing I could not resist her cuteness. After about an half hour everyone left, but Maddie who was playing with Y/N right now. Everyone got along with her she was good most of the time had a fit here in there, otherwise she was good.

     Me,my mom, Ari, and my dad talked about life and what not while Dallas and Maddie played with Y/N most of the time. I had a good time with them catching up on what we missed the passed month.

     Please vote for a shoutout and I hope you like this chapter and the many more to come. Also let me know what you want to happen in any future chapters and help me out by writing some drafts would be helpful.

Thanks xox

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