Very Little

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Demi's POV

    Y/n has been very clingy the rest of last night. She hasn't said much besides mama, mommy, and hungry.  Which is making me very concerned if she has regressed or is she still scared of me. Also she barely eats solid foods it's either canned baby food or being breastfeed I mean i don't mind it, but it kind of gets in the way when I need to do house work.

Also Ari has been in the studio a lot lately working on her album so it's just me and y/n most of the day. Y/n had just been put down for a nap after breakfast. So I'm hoping that I can get most of the house work done before she wakes up.

... time skip of 1 hour

I got the laundry and cleaned the kitchen before y/n woke up crying. I went upstairs to go get her and get her, as I approach her room I could immediately know what was wrong just by the smell. I get in her room and she is laying on her bed crying with a painful look on her face. I take her out and started to change her diaper.

"Hey baby girl your okay I promise look mommy's here, hi baby do you got mommy's fingers, ya, ahaha don't put them in your mouth." I coo at her while trying to change her. When I took the diaper off her body I saw lots of blood. That explains the painful look on her face and why she has regressed.

"Awwwww baby are you on your period it's ok Mommy will make you feel better." I finish changing her and brought her to the rocking chair and just cuddled her. She was trying to feed through my shirt which is kind of funny. Until she started to get mad and took my hand and started to chew on my fingers which really hurts.

"Ok ok ok mommy will feed you calm down little one." I say as I lift my shirt and bra off so she can feed. She was sucking very eagerly which caused her to have milk dribble down her chin.

"Slow down y/n we don't want you to get sick little one now do we." I say as she slows down realizing I'm not going anywhere for awhile. She fell back to sleep and I started to fall asleep.

    I woke up to Ari shaking me telling me to wake up for supper. When I woke up I realized y/n is not on my lap anymore.

"Calm down Demi she is down stairs waiting for you to wake up and feed her." She giggled.

"Really thanks Ari I love you so much." I say as I kiss her very passionately.

"I love you 2x the amount you love me." She says being very cheeky.

"Are you sure about that one?" I say giggling.

"Yep, ok let's go down stairs and eat before the food gets cold, and y/n gets cranky." She says seriously.

"Ok by the way she's been very clingy lately because she has her period so we are going to have to change her more frequently." I inform Ari.

"Okay thanks for letting me know now let's get going I can hear y/n getting upset." She says.

"Ok" I say.

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