A New Home ?

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I woke up to the sound of a vacuum running. My headache was gone but I didn't feel very well, but I don't know where the bathroom is in this house. Oh shit I just remembered I don't know where I am and started to have a panic attack. That's when Demi Lovato came in the room perfect timing.

"I'm in Demi Lovato's house, how?"

Demi "Haha, hay your awake, how are you feeling?"

"A little sick, but why am I at your house and how did I get here?"

Demi "Well last night you had a little to much to drink and passed out in front of me, I couldn't find your friends so I took you to my place by the way I didn't get your name."

"Oh it's Y/N, I think I'm feeling better to where I can go home, also thanks for taking care of me.

Demi "Wait, you can't leave. Ummmm, do you know what ageplay is at all?"

At that moment I realized I am in a room made for a toddler and was very confused. "Ummmm no, what is that?" I was really confused on what she was talking about and why I can't leave. "Well ageplay is when someone regresses to a younger age and has someone take care of them, which could be very therapeutic, it also helps relieves stress and anxiety." She explained it sounds interesting but why was she asking me about it.

"Sounds interesting why are you telling me about this I'm just really confused right now." I asked. "Well I was hoping we could try it we don't have to do it right away. We could just go through the rules, punishments, where everything is at, the daily routine, and just to get to know each other." The way she explained It made it sound so interesting but I wasn't sure if I wanted to do ageplay. I guess we could try it out ageplay can't be that bad right.

"I guess we could try it out see how it's like." I said. The smile on her face was adorable I just wanted to kiss her, but it didn't want to weird her out we just met. "Cool, but first let's grab something to eat, and then I will give you a tour around the house. Sound good ?" She asked with a big smile on her face. "Alright, but I have to use the bathroom first. Where is it at?" I asked because I don't know where anything is around here.

"It's that door next to the closet once your done come downstairs and I will have some food waiting for you." She told me as I stood up I felt something sagging in between my legs. When I looked down I saw all I had on was a bra and pull up. Demi must of noticed the confusion on my face when she asked. "Do you need me to help you?" I nodded with tears welling up in my eyes.

I haven't wet my self like this since I was 16 right before I got into a terrible relationship. Demi came up to me and wiped the tears away "Hey it's okay you don't have to cry. Do you want undies or a pull up?" I chose the pull up to be safe, I don't know how that one got on me in the first place I just shrugged it off. After I was changed we went downstairs to get something to eat.

      Demi made us some sandwiches after at least 3 attempts to make macaroni.  Then she shown me around the house which has 4 bedrooms and 5 1/2 bathrooms. The two guest bedrooms are alike with a bathroom connect and grey walls. The master bedroom Demi's room has a light grey walls, a huge closet, and a huge bathroom. Lastly, is the room I would be staying in which has light purple walls a medium closet and a bathroom. The rest of how the house looks like is in the video.

      We were back in the living room I was starting together tired, but was trying my hardest to stay awake.

      I think she is starting to notice when she asked "Are you getting tired?".
       "Ya I am , but don't we have to go through the rules and punishments still?" I said.
        She nodded then added "You can take a nap first so you don't fall asleep while I'm telling the rules."

        "Ok". I just fell asleep on the couch because I was too tired to go to my room.

Confusion (Demi Lovato Ageplay Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now