Two Mommies?????

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Y/N Pov

When I woke up I was still in mommies arms. So I decided to just laid there until she woke up. I was still out of it ever since what happened last night. I was looking around the room I remembered Maddie was tahini the night. I hope she didn't hear what happened last night.

     Finally mommy woke up I'm getting hungry and want suckies. I've been really stressed lately and I don't know why.

     "Morning baby girl." Mommy said in her raspy morning voice.

     "Morning mama." I responded sounding a bit sad, but tried to hide it with a smile.

     "What's wrong Y/N why do you sound so sad." Mommy said. Shoot it didn't work.

     "Can I have suckies pwease." I used my manners I don't know why not like she was going to say no.

     "Sure when your done we are going to have some real food. You've really been slacking on that lately." Mommy said a little sternly. I wasn't eating a lot because I'm so stressed.

     "Ok." I said and latched on which helped me relax right away.

... 3hours later

     Maddie had left at 8:00 for acting rehearsals or classes what ever you want to call them. Also, mommy and Ari said they wanted to talk to me after Maddie left. I started to get nervous and scared of what they wanted to talk about.

     "Hey baby me and Ari need to talk to you ok." Mommy said as she and Ari sat on both sides of me.

     "Ok about what." I asked coming out of my head space a little.

     "Hey are you okay do you want to be big for this it really isn't necessary." Ari says while holding my hand.

     "Ya I can't go in little space right to stressed." I say nervously.

     "That's ok are you still good to talk." Asked Demi. I nodded.

     "How would you like for Ari to be your mommy too. So you would have two mommies." Mommy asked with a hopeful smile.

     "That would be awesome mommy." Is any going back to little head space.

     "So now I have mommy and mama cool." I added. Then mommy and mama started laughing. We had a big hug before it was time for lunch as the happy family we are.

Hey guys I finally did a real update sorry it's not very long if you ready the previous chapter you would know what's been going. Also don't forget to vote to get a shoutout and thank you for reading.

Stay strong
I'm here if you need someone to talk too


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