Fix a Heart

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Y/N Pov

I've been distancing my self from Ari and Demi a lot. They keep asking me what's wrong, but that's the problem I don't know. I just feel lonely I like the care I get when I'm a little. I try to go back, but I can't stay and it's making me mad.

     It is now Saturday Demi said she has a surprise for me today. I'm feeling a little better then most of the week. I try and going back to head space I finally can stay.

     "MOMMY!!!!!" I scream with excitement because she just came back from the store.

     "Hey baby girl, how are you feeling today? You seem really happy." She says with excitement and a bit surprised.

     "I'm feeling happy guess what tomorrow is mommy, guess." I say excitedly while jumping up and down.

     "Ummmm I don't know Sunday April 17." Mommy says and I frown

     "Oh no you forgot I bet Mama knows." I say upset with her.

     "MAMA guess what tomorrow is please know please." I says with lots of hope.

     " hmmmmm let me think babygirl is it a special day?" Mama asks I hope she didn't forget either.

     "Yes really special." I say happily.

     "Umm I don't know little one what is tomorrow." She asks she forgot too.

     "It's my birthday you guys forgot." I cry while running to my room and hiding on my bed under the covers. I here some one open my door. Then the bed dipped down beside me.

     "Y/N hey babygirl me and mommy didn't forget I swear we were just joking with you." Mama says trying to make me feel better.

     "You are not supposed to swear mommy will put you in timeout. And that was not very funny no one was waughing." I say very upset.

     "I'm sorry we won't do it again can me and mama have a hug we're so sorry baby." Mommy says and I get up to give them both a hug.

     "Now how old are you going to be tomorrow?" Mama asks me I hold up 4 fingers (I'm going to be 18 when not in head space).

     "Good job baby girl your so smart." They both say making me giggle.


     Thanks for reading my story if you have and ideas for future chapters let me know. Also if you want a shout out please vote. Can I please have feed back on this chapter and future chapters to make them better. Thank you

~ K.S


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