Birthday Party pt. 2

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Demi's POV

    We finally made it to our destination and Y/N is still sleeping and she got more of a fever. I will just have my mom go pick up some medication on her way here.

"Hey babe I'm going to call my mom to see if she can pick up some medication for Y/N." I said.

"Ok and can you tell her to bring some extra snacks just in case, thanks." Ari said.

"Ya no problem. I love you." I said as I kissed her cheek which made her blush.

M - Hey Dems is everything ok?

D - ya everything's good Mama besides Y/N has a little fever. Can you pick up some medication and some more snack. Ari said she didn't pack enough for the party.

M - oh I home little Y/N feels better. And yes I will pick up some medication and snacks. Love you.

D - love you too bye.

M - bye.

    We are in the party room getting all set up. Well Ariana is and I'm holding a sleeping Y/N. She starts to wake up a little bit and I notice she looks really pale.

"Babe Y/N looks really pale and is very sweaty." I say very worried.

"Hey it's ok stay calm try giving her water if that doesn't work try breastfeeding her so she has something in her little belly." She says trying to calm me down.

    I went to Y/N's diaper bag grabbed her bottle and filled it with water. I sat down on the chair with Y/N across my lap about to give her some water. Well that didn't go as planned she threw up all over me. Now we got a crying sick baby let me tell you this it's very hard to calm her down.

    I got her stripped down to a old shirt and diaper. I can tell she has regressed to around the age of a 9 month old. So now this birthday party is ruined like she can play at a trampoline park. We will just try our best to have a good time. Y/N is still fussy so I'm going to try and feed her. Thank god she latched on right away without a fuss.

"Hey Ari babe we have a little problem." I said and Ari turned around and had a very worried look on her face.

"What's wrong are you ok?" She asks I giggled a little and she looked very confused.

"I'm fine it's just Y/N has regressed to a 9 month old. So now this party is a bust." I said a bit disappointed.

"Hey don't be so sad if she is feeling a little better we can still take her into the ball pit to play." She says which cheered me up a little bit.

"Sounds good" as soon as I said that my mom walked in the room with dad(Eddie), Dallas, and Maddie.

"Hey guys how is my little Y/N feeling." My mom said.

"Still has a fever and she threw up so I don't think she will be doing much." I said.

"Well here is the medication you asked for hopefully it will help her fever." My mom said as she gave me the medication.

    I unlatched Y/N quickly and gave her some medication then latched her back on. She just laid there looking at me while I cooed at her. Every once and a while I would get her cute smile or a giggle. She just finished feeding trying to get down to go play with Maddie. I guess this means she is feeling better.

    The rest of the party went good Y/N still had a tad bit of a fever, but still had lots of fun. My mom and dad got her lots of toys and clothes. After the party we all went back to my house and just chilled. We watched Frozen like 3 times because Y/N wouldn't let us watch anything else. Then we all went to bed to bad my family has to go back home tomorrow.

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