Sick Days

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Demi's Pov

I was getting ready for bed when my door opened, and Y/N came in carrying a blanket. She asked in her cute little voice "Can I sleep in here?" I nodded. I went over to pick her next thing I know she is hunched over throwing up. "Oh no baby girl." I said in a caring way.

I picked her up, brought her to the bathroom, tied her hair up in a bun, left to clean up the puke, and made her a bottle of milk. Also, grabbed a bucket for he to throw up in while in bed just in case. I walked back into the bathroom to see how she was doing. When I walked in she was fast asleep on the toilet.

I picked her up and she woke up crying I tried to sooth her it wasn't working. I decided to check her pull-up which was a good idea, because it was full. I went to change her and when we got back to the rooms he was still awake. I tried to give her the bottle, but she won't take it.

"What do you want little one?" I asked as calmly as possible, she points to my boob wanting suckies. "All you have to do is ask, ok?" I say. I take off my shirt, got her latched on as we cuddled up together and fell asleep like that. Hopefully she is better in the morning, because I was hoping to go shopping to by her some stuff she still needs.

I woke up with my boobs being very sore, I'm going to pick up some medication for that today. I went to feel Y/N forehead which is very hot, so I decided to call Ariana to see if she will watch Y/N while I'm gone.

D - Demi A - Ariana

D - Hey Ari
A - Hey what's up and why are you calling me so early?
D - Sorry, I was wondering if you can watch Y/N while I go to the store she is really sick today.
A - Ya no problem, what time?
D - Does 10:30 work?
A - Ya see you then love ya
D - Love you too can you pick up some Starbucks on the way?
A - Yep bye
D - Bye

After the call I gave Y/N a kiss on the head and went to take a shower since it was already 9:25. Once I finished my shower I made a simple breakfast knowing Y/N might not eat. Then I went by her room to get a pull-up I brought the food to the bedroom, after that I woke her up.

"Hey baby girl how are you feeling?" I asked.

She rolled over onto her back and groaned "Mommy my tummy hurts."

"I know, mommy is going to the store in a half hour so Ari is going to watch you while I'm gone, ok?" I said while rubbing her belly.

"No I just want to cuddle all day, and sleep." She whined.

"I know babygirl, but I have to you need some medicine and I need to get some food for the house." I said trying to convince her which didn't work out so well.

"If you don't stop throwing a fit I won't get you something special." Surprisingly that worked. After her little tantrum I changed her pull-up and tried to get her to eat a little bit of oatmeal which to about 10 minutes. It's 10:25 Ari should be here soon so I thought I should bring Y/N downstairs so it would be easier for me to say goodbye to her.

When we got downstairs Y/N wanted suckies so I let her not wanting to leave her in a bad mood while being sick with Ari. Into 3 minuets of feeding her Ariana came here with Starbucks thank goodness Y/N is asleep. So I unlatched her and laid her down on the couch so I can tell Ari where everything is at.

"Hey Demi how are things going with Y/N?" Ariana asked.

"Alright I guess she is a little fussy today, not eating much I don't blame her, but otherwise she's good." I explained

"That's good what is she doing now?" She asked

"Sleeping on the couch once she wakes up can you change her pull-up and feed her, there is extra milk in the fridge if she doesn't eat the food." I told her

"Ok will do you better get going before she wakes up." She tells me.

"Ok bye call me if you have any questions or she's misbehaving." I tell her as I kiss her cheek and went over to kiss Y/N cheek. With that I left to the store.

Authors note
I hope you like this chapter do you think Demi and Ariana should be friends or something more let me know. Also the shout out goes to broken_blink. If you want a shout out just vote for my book. Thanks for reading😜😋

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