Trouble Maker

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    I just woke up and mommy is no where to be found so I stood up in my crib and started to scream and cry. Mommy didn't come so I threw all of my stuffed animals and blankets on the floor. That didn't help so I screamed and cried even more until mommy finally came in the room.

"Y/N what's wrong baby mommy is right here calm down." Mommy said very worried. I was mad at her so I kept on screaming and started to kick her.

"Y/N stop calm down you need to relax and tell mommy what is wrong." She said soothingly, but it didn't work I started to swing my arms around getting really mad.

"Stop before you hit ....." She didn't get to finish her sentence before I hit her. After that I felt really guilty. I had stopped crying and kicking just small whimpers were all you could hear.

"Y/F/N Y/M/N LOVATO WE DO NOT HIT MOMMY!" She said very sternly making me scared of her. Mommy spanked me 10 times. Then put me in the corner and told me to sit there for 10 minutes to think about what I did.

Those 10 minutes felt like forever I almost forgot what I did. Mommy crouched down beside me and touched my shoulder which made me flinch and jumped to run from her, but she caught me.

"Can you tell me why you got put in time out and spanked." She said very calmly but it didn't help the fact I was so scared of her.

    I shook my head not wanting to talk even if I wanted to no words would come out. I think mommy scarring put me in a younger head space. I just want mama not mommy right now. My tummy started making funny noises and I started to suck my fingers.

"Did you hit mommy?" She asked and I nodded.

"Are we ever going to hit mommy again?" I shook my head.

"Do you want suckies? Or baby food?" She asked see as I am hungry.

"Mama" is all I could manage to say before I started to cry a little.

"Oh I see what is going on. Did mommy scare you baby girl? I'm sorry I didn't meant to it's ok. Would cuddles make up for it?" I just shook my head. She looked disappointed after that but she scared me and I want mama to calm me down.

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