First Night with Mommy

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     When the movie was over, mommy started making some dinosaur chicken with carrots on the side. Then, mommy changed my pull-up I haven't pooped because, I don't want to feel uncomfortable. Mommy said if I do just to tell her so she can change me right away. It's almost 7:00pm and I'm starting to get tired, even though I slept most of the day.

Demi "Baby Y/N, dinner is ready." She tells me.

"Ok it smells good." I respond even though it's just chicken it smells good.

Demi "Do you want anything to dip the chicken in." She asks as she cuts up the chicken.

"Ya can I have ketchup?" I ask

Demi "Anything for you cutie, but don't make a big mess of the ketchup please." She tells me as she puts me in a high chair.

"Okay I will try, can you feed me I'm really tired?" I ask as I was falling asleep.

Demi "Sure, then I will put little Y/N to bed, ok?" She says while stabbing a piece of chicken with the little fork.

"Ok." I respond half asleep.

"Can I have some juice to drink?" I ask

Demi "Sure, can you eat a little while I get the juice?" Mommy asks me.

"Yep." I answer. As I was about to eat the chicken I started to fall asleep. Next thing I know mommy was waking me up by wiping my face.

Demi "Did you fall asleep while eating Y/N?" Mommy asked as tears start to form in my eyes.

Demi "No don't cry I'm not mad at you I'm just asking it's ok." She says trying to calm me. I make grabby hands for her to pick me up hoping that would calm me down. She finishes wiping my face and picks me up. I feel a little uncomfortable for some reason I just can't point out what it is.

Demi "Want some milk and then got to bed?" She asks.

"Ya" I say rubbing my eyes.

Demi "Ok do you want breast milk or a bottle?" Mommy asks.

"Ummmmmm, breast milk please." I say pretending to think.

Demi "Good manners, ok let's change you pull-up and get you ready for bed." She says very proudly, while walking upstairs to my room. When we get in the room she sets me on the changing table. When she took my pull-up off she had a surprised look on her face I am so confused.

"What's wrong mommy?" I asks worriedly.

Demi "Nothing its just you pooped finally today. Why didn't you tell me?" Mommy says.

"What I did when, maybe that's why I felt a little uncomfortable earlier." I respond as she cleans my bottom then pulls a night time pull-up on over my bottom.

Demi "Ok let's get your little sleepy head to bed now shall we?" She asks.

"Ok" I say with a little whine I'm not feeling as tired as earlier.

Demi "Hay no whining missy it's almost 8:00 anyways." She says just a little sternly so I know she's being serious, as she picks me up to bring me to the chair so she can feed me.

Mommy lays me across her lap while she takes off her shirt halfway and takes one of her boobs out of her bra. She lifts my head so my mouth is by her nipple. I latch on a little hesitantly not know how it was going to taste. Once the warm milk hit my tongue I started to suck a little faster. It's the best milk I think I ever had to be honest.

I was trying to stay awake, but my eyes won't let me. So I finally gave in and let sleep take over me. Before I was fully asleep mommy unlatched me from her, and I started to whine a little. She started to shush me back to sleep while putting a nuk in my mouth. Then I was

Hey guys thanks for reading book this is just a quick authors note. To whoever is voting thank you, and I want you to encourage others to vote too. I might start doing shout outs to the people who vote. Also thanks to the people who read this book I really appreciate that.

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