Chapter 1: Saving a Monster

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Zack's POV~

I got up in the morning heading to school. I go to Drake Star High school. A place where hell spreads. Hey, it's a school. When there's loneliness and boredom, there's a school. Where there's a school, there's hell. Anyway, I live close to the woods and heard screaming. I ran over and saw a guy with a knife trying to stab someone. I quickly ran over and took the knife. The attempted murderer looks at me and says "Please, give it back! You don't know what he is!" I ran over to the injured man's side and glared at him. "Excuse me, but what I see is a normal man who is injured thanks to a knife that someone previously had!!!" I take the man and check his pulse. Thankfully he's still alive. He was breathing heavy though. The man said "Please, I'm telling you. He's a monster." I pick up the man with great difficulty and looked at the murderer. I then say "I'm sorry, but the only monster I see right now is you." I take the man and start to drag him back to the house. The murderer looks at me and says "Don't say I didn't warn you." I just ignored the man and headed to my house, dragging the man with great difficulty. After about maybe 10 minutes, I finally got the man inside. I then got a good look at his features. This man had ice blue eyes,  pale white face, hair dyed white, and strangest of all, a face paint of a moon around his eye. I head into the bathroom and look at my own moon shaped mark around my eye. I sighed hating the mark around my eye. I was always made fun of for it. It got to the point where I transferred schools. Now I have an eye patch. I usually only wear it when going to public places. I know I'd be seen as a freak. At school, I always move my hair to go over the eye so that no one can make fun of me for it. I went into the bathroom to put on my eye patch in case this guy wakes up. Just as I think that, he begins to wake up. I walk over to my bed, the place I set him. He wakes up groggily. He notices me and asks me where he was. "You're in my home. Some guy tried to kill you, so I saved you." He nods and says "Well, thank you for saving me from that hunter." I don't know why he said hunter, but I'm just glad I saved his life. He then asks me "If it's okay, may I stay and recover a bit?" I think about it for a bit and nod. He hugs me and nuzzles into me. He then licks my cheek like some dog. He let's go and stands up at his full height and thanks me. I didn't realize how tall this guy was until now. It's a little intimidating. He then sits down at the table and asks "If it's fine, may I ask your name?" I sit down at the table and said "My name is Zack." He nods and says "My name is Brian. But please call me Alpha." I give him a weird look before he asked me something. "Zack, do you have parents? It doesn't seem like your a full grown adult, yet." I then tell him the truth "My parents died in an accident when I was 14. I'm 17 now, so I take care of myself." He nods and says "Do you ever get lonely?" I then nod and say "Yeah, sometimes I'm lonely, but I usually just try not to think about it" He nods and says "Well, as long as I'm here, do you mind me asking what all you can cook?" I then say "Not much. I can cook eggs, rice, and a few other things." He nods and says "Well, I can cook for you for the time I'm here." I then looked at him with a hint of guilt and said "No, you don't have to! You should rest and get your injuries healed." He then says "Don't worry. My cuts cure fast." I look at his cuts and see that they're already almost gone. I nod and said "Are you a magician or something?" Brian just laughs and says "A magician never reveals a secret." I smile and laugh, making a blush form on Brian's face. I don't know why he blushed, but it soon disappeared. He makes me sit down and he starts to cook. The smell of steak fills the air. I was going to use that beef for a beef roast, but steaks also good. He hands me a plate of steak and it looked amazing. He soon placed down a plate of fries next to it. He tells me to try. IT WAS THE BEST THING I EVER HAD!!! He smiles as I keep eating my food as he eats his. He then interrupts me and asks "Zack, if I may ask, why do you wear that eye patch?" I shake my head and say "I'd rather not  say." Brian walks over to my side and I back away, but he manages to take off my eye patch. I cover my eye so that he doesn't see it, but he takes my hands and looks at my eye. His eyes widen and he says "Mate." I look at him confused. And he hugs me close and almost growls and says "Mate." I try to get out of his grasp, but he holds on tighter. He then puts his hands on my shoulders and says "Zack, we were meant to be together." He shows me the moon around his eye and said "Zack, you and I belong together." I look at him and said "No, it's a coincidence." He shakes his head and put his hand over my eye. His moon starts to glow and so does his eyes. He hugs me close and said "It's fate, Zack. You're my mate!" I struggle in his grasp as he growls and says "No! Stop it, Zack. Accept this. Accept me. You're my mate, you stay with me forever." I struggle against him more and say "No! I don't know what this mate thing's about, but whatever it is, I swear I'm not." He growls, but soon chuckles and says "I guess I have to prove it to you." He steps back and fur starts to sprout from his skin. Wait a minute. FUR?! He walks toward me in a completely different form. I back up in fear and get trapped between the wall and him. He then looks at me and says "I'm a werewolf, Zack. You're my love, my boyfriend, my mate." I look at him in fear and disbelief. I shake my head and say "No. This isn't real. I'm not real, you're not real, none of this is real. I'm dreaming, I have to be." He chuckles and grabs my hand, he puts my hand on his chest, the feeling of fur flooding all my senses. He hugs me and says "I assure you love, I am real. You are real. This is real." He licks my cheek and says "Zack, I need you to accept this. Accept me. You're my mate. I won't let you deny it. You're mine, forever. Just agree to be mine and everything will be okay." Fight or flight took over and it decided to fly. I pushed him away and ran to the door. I only made it a few feet before he grabs me. He nuzzles into my cheek and growls saying "Fine. If you won't accept it, then I'll take you somewhere where you can't leave me. After all, it's not your decision. It was the Moonlight goddess' decision. I will have to force you to stay with me since you won't cooperate." He picks me up and over his shoulder. I scream for help, but we were in the woods. No one was coming. I then ask "Where are you taking me?" He smiles and says "To the pack house. You'll be staying with me from now on." I struggle in his hold and say "Please Brian, let me go!" He takes me down and holds me. He hugs me close and kisses my forehead before saying "Please. Call me Alpha. Because you will never escape this Alpha's grasp." He licks my cheek before picking me up and heading off into the darkness of the woods as I struggle until a fell asleep, exhausted.

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