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"Santina, get up its time for church." Aurora said coming in my room opening the blinds. I held my head and sat up.

"I don't feel to good." I said and she looked at me weird.

"What did you do last night?" She feeling my head.

"We went to to la Blanca and then to the movies," i lied and she stopped touching my head.

"You have a fever. Did you wear your coat?" She asked and I shook my head then i felt my mouth get watery and my stomach contents came up. I ran to my bathroom and bent over the toilet.

Aurora came in and looked at me disgusted. "Take this, stay home." She said and handed me two boxes then walked out.

I looked at them and rolled my eyes. This must be a joke. She gave me a pregnancy test and plan b pills. I put them in the garbage and flushed the toilet then brushed my teeth and got in the shower. I washed my hair so it curled up. I took a few Tylenol and then lotioned my body.

I put on my underwear then laid in bed. I picked up my phone and I had a text and missed call from a unsaved number. I looked at the text first.

708-445-6547(don't call it i made it up)- Breakfast?  -Jada

I smiled and sent her a yes. I got up and went to my closet. I just put on some black leggings and a red sweater, with red Nike's. My phone dinged and she sent me a picture of my house. She couldn't have just said she was outside like a normal person. I put some moisturizer in my hair and left it flat. I made sure I had everything then left. I opened the door and saw a nice ass white Jeep parked out front. She saw me walking down and got out the car to open the door for me. She looked real good in her Denim outfit.

"Good morning." She said once we both were in.

"Morning, how are you." I responded smiling at her.

"I'm good, you." She started driving looking at me occasionally.

"I could be better, my head hurts a lot and my stomach is unhappy with me." I told her honestly i feel like shit.

"That is what I call a hangover." She laughed and I blushed she had a real nice laugh. "Don't worry you'll feel better after you eat." She told me reaching over and patting my thigh. It caught me off guard so I jumped and closed my legs tightly.

"Relax, I'm not that type of person." She said squeezing my thigh a little. I bit my lip maybe I could just test the waters. I loosened up just a little but I was still alert because I didn't know her that well.

We pulled up to the restaurant and I put my hand on the door and she stopped me. "I got it." I watched her get out and come around to my side.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

We walked in the little diner and I never been here but it looked like a cowboy/desert theme. There were cactuses all around and a trophy case with different cowboy hats and lassoes.

"Hi welcome to Dan's how many?" The host asked us I let Jada answer I was to busy looking around at all the pictures and decorations.

Jada grabbed my hand and I looked up at her. "Come on." She said smiling I followed her to the booth and she sat across from me.

"Hi my name Is Lea and I will be your server today. Can I get you ladies any drinks to start with?" The waitress asked and I smiled at her she was really pretty. She had these long dreads pulled back into a ponytail.

"Do y'all have sprite?" I asked and she looked me up and down biting her lip.

"No we only have Pepsi products." She told me and before I could say something else Jada spoke up.

"Two Lemonades." Jada said and I looked at her. She looked annoyed.

"Lemonade good with you ma?" Lea asked me and I nodded.

"Alright I'll be back with your order."

Jada glared at me and I raised my eyebrow. "You god over there?" I asked her and she snapped out of it.

"Oh yea, uhm how bout we get to know each other."she suggested and I agreed.

"Well as you already know my nickname is Saint real name Santina. I graduated the other day and my 18th birthday was yesterday." I told her and she looked surprised.

"Oh you a youngin." Jada said shocked I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Why you say that?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"I'm 23 turning 24 next month." She said and I was shocked.

"But you look younger than me." I said surprised.

"I get that a lot."

"Here are your drinks." Lea said setting the glasses of lemonade on the table. She gave us each a straw but there were numbers on mine. I looked at her and she winked at me. I blushed and Jada took my straw.

"We ready to order Leon." Jada snapped. I giggled at the way she mispronounced Leas name.

"It's Lea but go ahead." She said rolling her eyes.

Jada ordered then i ordered. "Are you always this jealous?" I asked teasing her.

"Jealous. Never. She was just doing too much when she can clearly see we are on a date together."

"If your not jealous can i have my straw back?" I asked her holding my hand out.

She looked at me and then opened the straw putting it in her drink. "Here you go." She said handing me her original straw.

I laughed at her, she's definitely jealous.

"Anyway where you from?" She asked me and I sipped some of my lemonade.


"That's crazy i always wanted to go there." She told me and I smiled at her.

"Where you from?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Born and raised by these Miami streets." She said smiling.

"Any siblings?" After I asked her that she looked down at her lap for a while.

"Nope, all I got is Titan that's my everything." She said shaking her curls out her face.

"What about your parents?"

"Let's see my dad went to jail for child abuse when i was 3 and my mom got deported when i was 2. So like I said Titan she all I got." I felt bad for her but I didn't let it show she didn't look like she wanted a pity party. "What about you, hows your family?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Just perfect." I said sarcastically.

"Is that sarcasm i sense. Come on tell me. " She said stirring her lemonade.

"My parents pretend like our family is so perfect because my dads a pastor. But we are more like strangers living together. I cant even call them mom and dad, my mom doesn't even liking me touching or being to close to her." I ranted.

"So do they know about your little crush on girls." She said eating a fry off her plate.

"If they knew I wouldn't be sitting before you today." I said putting my head down.

"Aye don't do that. Keep your head up ok. It's not your fault if they want to be dumbasses and not treat some one as beautiful and as smart as you the way you deserve."

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"Now eat before I eat you." She said winking and that made me laugh.

Saint in mm

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