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I could go with her and most likely just end up getting my feelings hurt by her again because i want her but she doesn't want me. Or I could make a run for it and pray I never see her again so I can move on and be happy, but without her.

I bit my lip and then took a few steps closer to her. Here goes nothing.

I stood a few inches away from her and tilted my head a little so I could look her in the eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but i brought my hand back and slapped her across the face before she could. I felt a wave of sadness and hurt rush over me and I just started hitting her in the chest. She grabbed my arms and held them down and I just broke down. I couldn't take it anymore.

When the only Person you love, cheats on you and leaves you to be with somebody new. It feels equal to, somebody taking a fork and digging your heart out then stomping on it. It gets to a point where you have no more tears and your numb to the pain in your chest. So you look to other things to make you happy. But then they come back around and that feeling comes back twice as hard.

She squeezed me tightly holding me closely to her chest. I heard her heart beating erratically and I wonder if maybe she was feeling some sort of regret.

"I never meant to hurt you." She said and I pulled away from her. Why do people say that stupid shit. Like they weren't aware that what they were doing was wrong. Everybody knows cheating is wrong how many times have you been told not to cheat on a test, or cut somebody in line or even playing uno and you get yelled at for cheating a thousand times a game.

"You cheated so what the fuck did you think was gonna happen?" I asked her wiping my own tears.

"I ju- I don't know." "No no no, you just what? Thought I would play stupid and let you cheat on me. What you thought you could get away with that shit cuz I was using the drugs YOU gave to me." I told her and she just looked down.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I honestly never wanted to hurt you, because I love you." She said and I shook my head.

"You can't even look at me," I got down and tried to capture her gaze but she looked away again. "You don't love me, cuz if you did you you would have never even thought of jeopardizing our relationship for some bitch that wasn't even half of me." I stepped away from her but she caught my shirt pulling me back towards her.

"Don't ever say that shit, I love you. I just wasn't ready and I thought I wasn't good enough for you. So I figured there was no point in even trying to be faithful knowing you were eventually gonna leave anyway. So I cheated and you didn't find out so I did it again and again. Not because I didn't love you or I liked having sex with her. It was because that's what I'm used to, meaningless sex, and not having a real connection to someone. I told you that I never had a real connection with anyone in my life, until I met you. I swear you came and gave me an entirely new perspective on life in the best way possible. You taught me that not everybody is trying to get over on me. And I don't have to go through life alone anymore. You gave me comfort through my darkest times and you never failed to not be by my side. And that's why I love you Santina De La Cruz." She put her cold hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. I kissed her back but in the back of my mind I knew we weren't gonna end well.

Before it could go to far I pulled away and slightly smiled at her. I love you to, but I think we should wait. I'm still trying to heal my heart and you still got a whole girlfriend you need to get home to." I said and I saw tears fall down her cheeks.

"But I don't want her, I want you." She said and I shook my head.

"You choose her so for now she's yours. Maybe sometime in the future we can be together again but for now, take care of her and make her happy. Treat her how she deserves." I said my breath getting caught in my throat.

She grabbed my neck and roughly pulled me closer to her but gently pressed her lips on mine. I didn't kiss her back this time but she wrapped her arms around me squeezing the life outta me. "Please don't leave me." She whispered and I could feel her body start shaking.

"I don't want to but we have to it's the only way for me and you to find ourselves and heal. And If we really supposed to be together we'll find eachother." I said and her grip got somewhat tighter as loud sobs shook her whole body. I felt my chest start being crushed but I didn't want her to let go.

After a few moments I pulled away from her and she looked so dejected. I wanted to comfort her but instead I kissed her cheek and moved past her staring at the ground. I took slow steps feeling so heartbroken and weak.

I heard quick footsteps behind me and I quickly turned around to see her running at me. "ONE YEAR!" she screamed and I gave her a confused look. "In one year promise you'll find me." She said and I looked away,

"I don't k-" "PLEASE just promise me you'll find me." She said and I looked in her eyes and nodded.

"Fine In exactly One year we will find eachother." I said and she smiled and pressed her lips against mine. I could have took her right there but she pulled away and ran back to her car. I smiled and started walking down the street again.

"SAINT WHERE YOU GOIN!" I heard Silver yell behind me and I rolled my eyes. I turned around and she was leaning against her hood.

I walked up to her and she smiled at me. "Where was you at earlier?" I asked and she grabbed both my hands.

"I had work to handle but I'm here now you ready." She put one hand on my waist and the other on my ass.

I bit my lip and glanced down at hers. I know I said I don't have feelings for her like that but that doesn't change the fact that she knows how to fuck.

silver/Jasmine in mm

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