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3 weeks later

We left Leas house this morning Saint is all healed and her bruises are faded. I still hate my self for what I did. But for some reason it's easy for her to forgive me. Right now she's sleeping in the passenger seat that's all the way back she slapped the shit outta me this morning and then chocked me. She punched me twice in the leg leaving bruises. It didn't really hurt me but she cried afterwards apologizing. I had one hand on the wheel and the other propped my head up. I saw a sign saying welcome to New Mexico. I've been here a few times. Then again I've been everywhere once or twice. I decided to drive for a couple more hours before stopping at a motel for the night.

I successfully checked us in and brought all the bags to the motel room. It was raining and i went to go get Saint but she was already up and dancing in the rain. I laughed knowing she was freezing her ass off. I picked her up and she kissed my forehead.

"Can we go swimming please." She asked and I nodded. Thankfully they had a indoor pool that's open all night. I carried her to our room and she changed into her bathing suit. It was a actual 2 piece bikini unlike me i just put on some swim trunks and my sports bra. She turned around and my eyes got big seeing the tattoo on her back. It was a flower and some words going down her spine.

"When did you get this mamita." I asked her kissing the flower.

"A while ago you like it." I looked at it but i couldn't really read the words because they were covered by her top.

"I love it, it's beautiful. She turned around and kissed me then we left. Well more like she held my hand while i watched her ass jiggle as she walked.

"I you make my stomach hurt." I told her and she stopped leaning on me and turned around.

"No not like that, like when ever you touch me or look at me or like when i think of you my stomach hurts. Like i gotta take a shit or sumn, And I've never been with just one person before I always had somebody on the side. But I don't want anyone else if its not you. I like waking up to you and i don't want to kick you out sometimes. Cuz you sleep wild and sometimes I wake up with your feet in my face. i like your feet but i like holding you more. That's not normal for me. I've never liked somebody, any body as much as I like you before. I mean Jada she's my bestfriend and I would still pick you over her because you make me happy. And you make me feel things I've never felt for anybody before. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you." I told her not being able to keep what's on my in any longer.

She just stared at me with her mouth open. I looked away feeling my face get hot. Why she gotta make it so awkward. I felt her wrap her arms around me and she laid her head on my chest while she started crying. I rubbed her back and wiped her tears.

"Why you crying mamita?" I asked you know i thought she was gonna be happy but i guess not. I mean when she tells me she loves me I'm happy.

"No baby it's happy tears, I'm just so happy, I'm crying." She explained and i nodded.

"Oh, well can you stop crying now." I told her and she laughed.

I kissed her forehead and she smirked at me. "Will you officially be my girl?" I asked her and she covered her mouth with her hands.

I covered my ears hearing her scream as loud as she could. She jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist. She grabbed my hair and pressed my lips against hers. I let my hands wander down to her ass and squeezed it. She opened her mouth to moan and i took this as my opportunity to slip my tongue in her mouth. Instead of letting me take over she decided to fight back. I put my hand inside her bottoms and traced her opening, i don't care if it's cheating i still won. She pulled away and looked at me trying to catch her breath while i did the same.

"You wanna get outta here?" I asked making her throw her head back laughing. I held onto her and walked out the pool i grabbed our stuff and went back to the room.

After we got out the shower we laid down and just chilled.

"You know I've been having sex since i was 14." I told her and she didn't say anything. I tried to read her face and there was no sign of her judging me or anything. "Back then i had a boyfriend, he made me realize how much I liked girls." I laughed at the memory of me breaking up with him the day after we had sex.

"I never had a real boyfriend but my parents tried their best to claim boys for me. I never did anything with anyone. But i always had secret girlfriends." She told me and I just listened without judgement just like she's done for me.

"I had one girlfriend we were together for about 4 years she was verbally abusive and then she cheated on me with my sister. That's when i started hoeing around and getting into shit i had no business being in." I saw a look of sympathy on her face but she quickly got rid of it.

"I met these people and they in-" "my uncle molested me when i was 6." She blurted out and the room got silent afterwards. Her eyes started watering and I pulled her to me hugging her tightly. Welp time to kill her uncle.

"He's in jail now, but only because he had over due parking tickets." I rubbed her back comforting her. "I don't wanna talk about that I don't even know why i said it." She pushed me away and wiped her tears.

"I never liked Florida. I like California tho, i just wanna be by the ocean." She said and I made a mental note of that.

"I like the water, i remember me and Jada used to steal boats and go sailing." I chuckled remembering all the old people we pissed off.

"I had my first kiss on the beach. Ever since I've loved it." She said and i moved the hair out her face.

"You know if the whole Kidnap thing doesn't blow over then I'm not gonna be able to be in this country much longer." I told her and she frowned.

"Yea i know, but I'm not leaving you. If you leave I'm leaving to." She said and I smiled. "I always wanted to go home to Colombia." I watched her eyes light up at the mention of her country.

"I was young but i still remember when me and my cousins would build sand castles and catch fish in the ocean." I saw nothing but joy in her eyes and that made me happy.

Saint in mm

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