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I danced around my kitchen with a spatula in my hand. I had tia tamera by Doja cat playing through my speakers. I got on top of the table and started twerking but then I looked at the stove and my grilled cheese was burning. I quickly hopped down and ran over to flip it. Maybe I should calm down just a little.

I turned the stove off and put my food on a plate. Right before i sat down I heard somebody start beating down my door. It's Sunday and I wasn't expecting no visitors so I made sure my bat was still under the table by the door and went to open it.

"You got the wrong door." I said to the white girl who was obviously lost. I went to close the door and she put her foot in the way.

"No wait, Uhm my name is Mia, you uhm remember me." I looked at her a little closer, oh shit.

"Oh yea you Titan bitch." I said and she looked down.

"I used to be, until you came along. She broke up with me because of you." I just stared at her wishing i had brought my grilled cheese with me.

"Oh that's nice but she not here Sarah." I said and she started talking again but i wasn't paying attention.

"Bitch I don't give a fuck!" I yelled over her and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and this bitch done stabbed me. I looked up at her and pulled my fist back then knocked her ass out. I closed my door and leaned against it. I put pressure around the knife that was still inside of me and I put my hat in my mouth. I been in enough fights in prison to know how to deal with shit like this. This ain't my first time being stabbed. I gripped the Handel of the knife with both hands tryna stop shaking. I counted to three in my head then snatched the knife out of my stomach. I fell to the floor screaming at the top of my lungs. That's why i put the hat in my mouth. I had tears running down my face.

I put my hand over the wound trying to stop the blood. I limped to the kitchen and pulled down a bottle of scotch. I downed that shit. I pulled my first aid kit out from underneath the sink and leaned against the kitchen counter. I got the needle and thread ready and then sprayed some water on my stomach to wash away some blood. I had to wait for the alcohol to kick in because my hands were shaking so bad. Next time i see that bitch I'm fucking her ass up.

I stitched the wound close and then tied it how this girl in prison taught me. I wrapped it up and then started wiping up the blood on my floors.

I woke up to somebody shaking me. I opened my eyes and Titan is crying while she on the phone.

"Oh my god." She said dropping the phone and pulling me up into a hug. I winced and she dropped me making my head hit the floor.

"Damn first yo Bitch stabs me now you tryna give me a concussion." I said slowly siting up holding my head. I looked around and I was on the living room floor and there was blood all around me. Damnit i just cleaned this shit up. I looked up at Titan and she still was crying.

"Nigga if you don't wipe yo tears and help me up." I snapped struggling to get up. I don't know what happened but she just turned into a big ass crybaby. Like she used to be all hard and shit now she's completely different.

"I'm sorry you just wouldn't wake up and I was so scared that I lost you again."She said picking me up and putting her face into my neck. I got tense feeling her tears run down my neck. I straddled her lap and put one hand on the back of her head and the other on over back. She let her hands rest on my waist as she broke down.

Titan pov

I just wanted to come bring her breakfast cause i know she can't cook. But I get here and she is on the ground in a puddle of blood not breathing. My heart dropped down to my toes. I felt like I was losing her again but this time forever. I climbed over her and tried to wake her not caring about the blood ruining my clothes. I started to call 911 when she opened her eyes. I felt my heart come back to life and tears just poured from my eyes.

Me seeing her damn near dead made me realize how important she really is to me. She means everything to me, without her I have nothing in life. It made me realize all the fucked up shit i did to her. All the pain and hurt I've caused her, when she don't deserve that at all. All she's ever done is love me and be loyal to me even after I wasn't that for her. I really don't deserve her but I can't let her go. I wouldn't be able to handle watching somebody else make her happy. But i don't want to keep hurting her.

She put her hands on my cheeks and rested her forehead on mine. "Please stop crying I'm ok I promise." She said wiping my tears away with her thumbs.

"I, just , love you so much. And I need you here with me. You are the only reason i still walk the face of this earth. And I know I fucked up like really fucked up, I can't let you go. I don't want nobody making you happy if it ain't me and I don't care how jealous i sound." I told her and she sighed.

"Titan,-"no look I swear to God I'm going to change for you. I love you and I only want you." I told her and she pressed her lips against mine. I smiled and deepened the kiss. She pulled away before anything could happen.

"I l-" she was interrupted by a loud banging on the door. We quickly got up and I looked out the blinds there was 2 all black trucks parked a little down the road. I cursed under my breath and looked back at her. She had a shotgun in her hand quietly putting bullets in it. She finished loading it and tossed it to me. She pulled out a semi automatic hand gun and made sure it was loaded. She then put some running shoes on and a hoodie. She picked up a black duffel bag and right when she closed the hallway closet they kicked the door down. She shot the first two and I got the next two. We ran out the door and to the fire stairs. I grabbed the bag from her and we ran down the stairs.

We ran to my car and got in. I sped off running a few red lights. We saw cops going in the opposite direction. I looked over and the blood was leaking through her sweatshirt. I decided to drive her to the hospital, even though i know she hates them.

"Baby stay up for me ok." I said squeezing her hand and she smiled at me.

"That was fun." She said laughing making me smile.

"You crazy." I told her and she laughed.

Titan in mm

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