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Twelve Years Ago

The panicked cries of citizens rang throughout the city. Waves of people made it difficult for the pro heroes to get through as they were shoved back from the direction they were going, also known as the direction everyone else was trying to get away from.

A thunderous roar shook the earth again, buildings crumbling down, rubble trapping some of the people. "Midnight, come with me!" The legendary symbol of peace shouted. The heroine nodded, leaping over to his side. "This isn't just an attack in a public place, it's started from a residential home." All Might gestured to the center of the chaos. "You think there's people inside there?" Midnight lifted her arm to shield her eyes from the smoke and embers. "Yes. In fact I think I might know who, specifically." The two ran closer, keeping a safe distance though.

"Well, who would that be?" Midnight looked to her partner with a glare. 

There's no time to waste, All Might! 

She thought. "Villain duo Insanity and Death Row." The hero replied. "You mean the two psychopaths that we've been trying to hunt down for years?!" Midnight shouted. "Yes!" "Then why are we going in there?!" She looked at All Might in shock. "I got a tip that they had been holding someone in there. I don't know if it's a victim or a hostage, but we need to get them out of there!" The hero nodded.

Shaking her head, Midnight listened to the crazy plan. What later turned out to be about half an hour total, the two fought to make their way inside the fiery, bombed building. Finally, the fire was put out and they could properly do their job.

"Hello?! Can anyone hear me?!" Midnight called, throat sore from the yelling and smoke. "Midnight! Over here!" She turned towards the most charred part of the building. All Might was struggling to lift the rubble off of something. With a final grunt, he knocked it over, revealing something under the pile.

A small girl with fluffy feline ears and a tail stared back at them, eyes narrowed. She growled, covered in blood. Her arm was twisted out of proportion, hanging limply at her side. Something sharp and white was sticking out of it.

"She's hurt. We need to get her out of here." Midnight said, reaching for the girl. Angrily, the young kid snarled, lunging for the heroine's hands. Midnight barely yanked her hand out of the way in time. "She's scared." She murmured. "Not anymore, she won't be. Because I AM HERE! To rescue you, young one." All Might tried the same thing. Only he wasn't quick enough. "Ow! She bit me!" He yelped. "HAHA!" A voice from another hero approaching laughed at All Might. Midnight turned back to the girl. Her cat-like pupils were narrowed and filled with fear. "What's your name? I'm Midnight, and this is All Might." The heroine spoke in a softer voice than she usually did. "No shit." The small girl snapped. More laughing from the third hero. "Young miss, you know that's not good language to use!" All Might gently scolded her. "Go to hell." She growled back. "Oh my- this is too good!" Endeavor cackled, about falling over. "Shut it, flaming mustache!" The girl leapt for the number two hero, only to be caught by All Might. She snarled and snapped, trying to wriggle her way out of the muscular hero's grasp, spitting cuss words left and right the whole time. "What do you think we should do with her?" Midnight asked. "I don't know, but the rest of the heroes need to see this! I was lucky enough to get that last bit on video. The title of the next newspaper: 'Young Child Curses the Symbol of Peace'!" Endeavor was doubled over in laughter. "Why don't you go make yourself useful and let everyone know that we're coming at least!" Midnight retorted sharply. "Fine. But I'm showing them the video."

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