Chapter 20

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Winter's POV

I laid against a bean bag in front of the fire. After another week of training, everyone was exhausted. But we were all way stronger than we had been before. "Hey Winter?" Midoriya sat beside me. "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "What do you... wh... what do you think's gonna happen? W-Will we really have to fight with our lives? Will this really be a war across the world?" He looked at me worriedly. "Honestly... I don't know. The villains haven't attacked while we've been gone. It's as if they're waiting for something. The right moment to attack." Winter said. I thought about my mom back home, by herself, probably cooking dinner, worrying about me.

I'd never forgive myself if something happened to her.

I thought. "I don't like this. The-The waiting, the suspense. The villains could attack our families at any moment now! My mom's all alone." I admitted my worries. "Worrying about her won't do any good. Your mom's fine, Midoriya." Winter said. "But-" "I have an idea. HEY EVERYONE, GET YO ASSES OVER HERE!" Winter shouted. The class gathered around the fire, sitting in a circle. "We're obviously all worried about what may happen. So, I figured, what better way to take our minds off things than play some games? First though, I'd like to pick out a hero name. I know that a lot of you don't have names yet either, or have placeholder names." Winter suggested. "That's a great idea!" Ojiro grinned.

The group spent about two hours coming up with official names. I decided to stick with Deku. Kirishima stuck with Red Riot, Ururaka with Uravity, Iida with Ingenium, Tsu with Froppy, Koda with Anima, Jiro with Earphone Jack, Aoyama with Can't Stop Twinkling, Sero with Cellophane, Sato with Sugarman, Tokoyami with Tsukuyomi, Kaminari with Chargebolt, Mineta with Grape Juice, Yaoyorozu with Creati, Shoji with Tentacole, and Ojiro with Tailman. Ashido decided to shorten her name to Aliqueen, though if she were to write her name down she'd put Alien Queen. Hagakure decided to do the same thing, shortening hers to Invisigirl, but would write Invisible Girl. Kacchan, Winter and Todoroki were the only ones who had a total name revamp. Winter had never had one to start with so hers took the longest to come up with. Kacchan finally settled with Timebomb, since it was still explosion related and matched his short-tempered personality. Todoroki's was the hardest, though eventually we managed to come up with a name he liked. He was now known as Freeze Flame. In the end, Winter chose Cold Front, for her ice quirk. She didn't do anything for her animal-morphing quirk because she wanted to keep it as a secret weapon - a whole other quirk that she could catch her opponents off guard with. "Well, now that we've got our names out of the way, let's play Truth or Truth!" Winter grinned, clapping her hands together. "Truth or Truth? Isn't it Truth or Dare?" Yaoyorozu frowned. "Yes but without the dares here, so we don't have to get up." Winter replied. "That makes sense." "There's only one rule I like to add. For every three truths you answer, you get a 'whole-group-truth', which is a question that the entire group has to answer to." Winter said. "Then SHUT UP and let's start!" Kacchan shouted.

"YES! Whole group time!" Ururaka threw her fists in the air excitedly. She was the first to answer three truths, since everyone else had backed out of at least one or hadn't gotten their third truth yet. "Alright. Let's see..." She went silent for a moment. Yaoyorozu, who was sitting next to her, whispered something. Ururaka's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh no..." I muttered. "Everyone you better answer this honestly. What is your most serious feeling and or thoughts having to do with Winter?" She smirked. There was a multitude of reactions from the class. "ANSWER OR ELSE!" She laughed. "Fine! I'll go first." Jiro rolled her eyes. The girls were pretty simple and sweet. Best friends, most trusted person, that sorta stuff. It was Ojiro's turn when things got dramatic. Sato, Ojiro, Sero, Koda, and Shoji all said she was a close and trusted friend. Next up was Tokoyami. "I think Winter's kind, and quite pretty." He said. Winter smiled, tail flicking happily. Iida was next. "Winter's reliable and trustworthy! Sure she may be hot-headed and competitive but she's smart and caring, too." Iida answered. "See? THIS IS A GENTLEMAN!" She pointed at him. Iida blushed a little out of embarrassment. "Your turn Deku!" Ururaka chirped. "H-Huh? Oh! Right. I think Winter's unique. She doesn't let things get in her way, she makes her own path in life. She's really sweet, too." I admitted. "Aw!" The girls cooed. Aoyama was next up. "Mademoiselle Winter is most definitely beautiful. She shines just as much as I do!" He declared. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a few of the other guys glare at him. "Thank you! I usually don't consider myself very good looking." Winter chuckled awkwardly. This caused an outburst from the whole class. "Sorry! I just don't have a ton of confidence." She shrugged. "But-" "KAMINARI YOUR TURN!" "Right! Uh... I kinda have to agree with everyone else, Winter's very pretty. She definitely has a harsh side, but I still wouldn't mind getting to know her more." He winked.

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