Chapter 10

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Midoriya's POV

Winter and Ochaco eventually came back. I once more felt achy at the sight. "You all are incredibly kind for letting me come back, but... I don't feel right being here. Sure, y'all were getting into trouble before you met me, but none of you were dying. So far all I've done is caused chaos. So... thank you, but I'm afraid I can't stay." She looked away. "Winter-" "You're not going anywhere." Kacchan stood up. "And who're you to decide that?" She spat. "Just because someone may be more hurt than you are doesn't mean you get to suffer alone. If there's anything I've learned from these idiots, is once you've met them, you're stuck with them, whether you like it or not. So sit your ass back down and wait like the rest of us." He snapped.

I've never seen him acting like this...

I stared curiously at the scene unfolding. Winter's ears flattened, but she obeyed, going back to her spot on the floor.


After who knows how long, a nurse finally came in with some news. I'm sure we all looked terrible by that point, but no one really cared. "Your friend is awake. He's spoken with his family, who've given permission to let you all visit. However he's specifically requested people by the last names of Midoriya and Storms." She said. Winter and I stood up, following the nurse to our friend's room. "You were the first two he asked for." The nurse informed us. I nodded, thanking her. Winter didn't look up from the ground. "I wonder who told him I was here." She muttered. "Not sure. But he knew, somehow." I smiled in an attempt to reassure her. The two of us quietly walked in. It took everything I had not to jump on my friend like I had Winter. "You're awake!" I grinned, rushing over to his side. "Y-You... found her?" Todoroki looked over towards Winter. "Kacchan and Ochaco chased her down." I nodded. He was silent for a moment. "D-id I do s-something w-wrong?" He frowned. "Damn RIGHT you did something wrong!" Winter snapped, storming over to us. "What were you thinking?! You could've DIED!" She shouted. "I know." My friend looked away guiltily. "WHY?! Why would you do that then?!" "It's my f-fault you l-lef-t." He struggled to get the words out. "It wasn't just your fault, you idiot." She lowered her voice. "I'm s-still at fault." He coughed, arguing.

"You wanna know something?" Winter pulled a chair over to the bed. "There's a reason I don't have any friends. Or a foster family. Or any personal belongings. Why? Because anything I get attached to gets ripped away from me. Before I burned the house down, I had one thing that kept me alive. It was the only way I could continue living." Winter paused. "What was it?" I asked. "My brother. He was about nine years older than me, I think. The only reason I got away with not having to take part in the killing was because my brother defended me. He was smart. I think that might've been his Quirk... maybe. Anyways, he knew that what was happening was wrong. He always told me 'I promise there's a better life, Winter. There's good in this world. There are people who will be there for you. People you can be friends with. People who will love you more than I do.' My brother was the one who named me, actually. I remember asking him how he knew that, and he said he just did. He was honest with me too. He never lied about the fact that only one of us would get out of there alive, and... he was right." Winter bit her lip, looking at the ground. "I just wish I had tried harder. One night, the night before I burned the house down, my brother told me how to get out of there. He said 'I can't protect you forever Winter. If this is gonna work, do it today.' I didn't really understand what he meant, but I figured it out soon enough. To distract my parents that day while I got the supplies, he let them catch him trying to free a victim. The 340th victim. They were furious. I had never seen them so angry. Quickly getting rid of the 340th, they tied my brother down. I froze in the doorway, staring in horror as they killed him. They tortured him worse than any of the other victims. I wished with everything I had that I had done something. Eventually, they just left him to bleed out. I crept in, begging for him to be okay, even though I knew it wasn't going to happen. He just turned towards me, since he couldn't see anymore, and said 'There'll be someone, Winter. They'll be there for you. Now go, find them.' And he was gone. The only person I had, my brother Kasey, he... he was gone. The 341st uncounted victim. All I could do was follow through with our plan and blow up the house.

I was planning on dying that day. But Midnight and All Might had other plans, I guess. The reason I was so angry was that I didn't know what heroes were back then. I saw them use their Quirks as they came towards me, and assumed they were friends of my parents. I had heard the victims crying to themselves about heroes, but I didn't know what that was. Kasey must've, though.

But... yeah... that's why I have no one. I won't let myself. I wouldn't. Then you idiots came into my life. Now, I've got you all, despite what I want. I'm afraid that I'll just end up getting you all killed too. So if you wanted to know why I was so angry when I found out you tried to kill yourself, that's why. That, and the fact I promised Kasey I wouldn't let anyone else die as long as I could do something about it."

I was silent as Winter finished her story.

I never knew she had a brother... it makes sense though...

I felt horrible.


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