Chapter 23

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Hey everyone! Just a quick author's note - this chapter is sort of filler in a way.


It will cover everyone's POV, so you know and understand how they're all feeling. I'll do my best to stick to their canon personalities while making it realistic! I mean, you're only a teenager who's about to fight to what may be the death of everyone you know and care about, or the world itself.

How 'okay' are you really going to be?

Todoroki's POV (continued from the last chapter)

"So... do we just... sleep now?"

Everyone was finally back home. We had all quickly showered and met downstairs in the living room. We didn't agree to do that, it just kinda happened. "There's no point in staying up waiting for something to happen. We might as well go to bed if we're going to fight, we can't fight without any energy." Yaoyorozu sighed. "Agreed. Be alert but take care of yourselves." Winter stood up, stalking off to her room. The rest of the class said their good-nights before parting.

I know we need to rest... but how are we going to sleep knowing the danger we're about to face?

Midoriya's POV

Now that I'm thinking about it... I remember Winter telling us one of the reasons we went on vacation was because of UA students being kidnapped... specifically pro heroes' kids. Oh god is Torodoki gonna be okay? Who's gonna come to fight with us? Will it be just UA and heroes from Japan or will there be heroes from all over the world? Who got kidnapped, anyways? I heard that a couple of people from some of the other classes... but why not 1-A? Wouldn't they want to capture us? I feel like we'd be more dangerous than any of the students from the support cla- oh no! They kidnapped support class students and students from general studies! They might not have quirks as 'flashy' as ours, but those kids are definitely useful! What if they force them to help themselves and then use them as hostages when it's time to fight! But how would they have known who to target? Besides, how did they even get to the students in the first place? They would've had to fight pros and the Big 3! How did they even manage to capture Mirio?! He's like... impossible to defeat! Are the villains we're about to fight really that dangerous and powerful? Is it even feasible for us to think we've got a chance?! Are we really ready?! We have to be! I can't back down. I swore to myself I wouldn't. If I'm gonna be like All Might, I've got to do this, even if I'm facing death right in the face! This isn't just about my home anymore. This is for everyone! We'll fight these villains so the civilians of the world don't have to! No matter the cost!

Bakugo's POV

Who the hell can sleep through this? Winter just brushed it off as if someone had said it was going to rain tomorrow! How the hell is she okay?! Is she even okay?! THIS IS SO STUPID! I HATE NOT KNOWING WHAT'S GOING ON! Those cowards that dare to call themselves villains, kidnapping students! Why don't they just come out and fight us, face to face?! I'd blow those bastards into nothing but pieces! How dare they prey on students that don't even use their quirks as we do?! They aren't in the hero course! They can't defend themselves to the extent that we can! Th-They're weaklings! Why go after them?! WHY NOT US?! WHY NOT ME?! I'LL SHOW THEM! I'LL SHOW THEM I'M BETTER THAN THOSE WEAKLINGS! I'LL SHOW THEM THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE TAKEN ANYONE! I'LL SHOW THEM THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE MESSED WITH OUR SCHOOL!

Ururaka's POV

Poor Winter... she must be terrified. After everything that's happened to her in the past... won't this bring back the memories she was trying so hard to forget? Yet she still goes and fights! Despite her own fears, she still gets up! She cares for us even if it hurts her! How do I compete with that? Someone so strong, so courageous! Is it because she knows what will happen if she doesn't? That the civilians and people she might care about could suffer because she didn't try? It makes sense... I've seen Deku do it too! Even if it comes at a cost to him, he protects people, even if he hurts himself in the process! What would I do if I were them? Knowing someone I cared about was in danger? What would I do if Deku were in danger? Or my mom and dad? Would I just stand there and watch? No! No, I couldn't! I'd give it my all! I'd do whatever it took to keep them safe! I know I would! I will!

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