Chapter 11

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Winter's POV

I was barely aware of Midoriya leaving the room. "I'm sorry." I looked up to my injured classmate, who was staring at the blanket covering him. "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble." He said. I looked at the barely-healed scar on his face. The one that I had made. Guilt drowned me. "Please forgive me." He was shaking. "I won't forgive what you said. I can't... but... there's no reason why I can't forgive you. I shouldn't have run off. I made a mistake, and you barely lived because of my mistake. I promised my brother I wouldn't let anyone else die, and I about broke that promise. So... to make up for it, you're stuck with me. I'll be by your side whether you like it or not until I die, got that?" I looked directly at him. "Okay." He finally turned to look at me. I could see that broken look in his eyes, the one Midoriya had described. "Good. Now, why don't you cheer up? There's no reason to be sad. Everything's gonna be okay." I smiled. And he did. Todoroki smiled back. "I'll try."


2 Months Later - December 10th

"GUYS YOU ARE NOT GONNA BELIEVE IT!" Kirishima and Iida ran into the classroom. "We were just walking around and Principal Nezu found us, he said to tell you all that WE'RE GOING ON A FULLY-PAID WINTER VACATION AS A CLASS!" The red-haired boy was jumping around like the ground was a trampoline. "SERIOUSLY?!" The whole class got riled up. "Calm down! I need to explain everything!" Iida did his trademark robot arms. Eventually, everyone shut up.

"We're going to a large cabin in a place called Barrow, Alaska. UA says it's a good location one because it's got a holiday theme, with all the snow, and two because it's remote. We shouldn't have any problems with villains there, especially since they're letting us take a private plane." Iida explained. Uproars began again. "When do we leave?" I questioned. "Tomorrow, we'll be there through January 10th," Iida replied. I grinned. "This is gonna be awesome!"


"Alright, everyone, please just go straight to the plane. We'll get your things loaded." Aizawa got off the bus. The class did their best to be calm and find seats... rooms. The plane had 7 rooms for 3 guests, each complete with a living room with recliner chairs, coffee table and a TV, bedroom with a king bed, and a small bathroom with one sink, cabinets, and a shower. "THIS IS AWESOME!" I shouted. "Wait how are we supposed to divide up?" Midoriya turned to Iida. "Hmm... okay, let's do this. Seven groups of three. Group one can be Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Shoji. Group two can have Kaminari, Koda, and Aoyama. Group three is Sero, Sato, Mineta. Group four will include Hagakure, Jiro, and Yaoyorozu. Group five'll include Asui, Uraraka, and Ashido. Group six... Kirishima, Midoriya and myself. That leaves group seven with Storms, Bakugo and Todoroki." Iida announced. "WAIT IIDA NO THAT'S A BAD IDEA!" Mina panicked. "Winter and Bakugo are BOUND to get into a fight! They'll end up blowing the whole plane into pieces!" She panicked. "You are absolutely right." Iida agreed. Bakugo and I were already glaring at each other. I looked away sheepishly with a dumb grin on my face. "Bakugo, you'll swap with Kirishima." Iida decided. I was happy with the decision before realizing something.

"Wait. Wait hang on." I stared at Iida, who, along with the rest of the class, had turned their attention to me. "WAIT YOU'RE STICKING ME WITH TWO HORMONALLY CHALLENGED TEENAGE BOYS?!" I screeched, fur standing on end. "There's no other way to divide everyone! One of the girls will end up with two boys, or one of the boys will end up with two girls! Besides, you're the best one to be in a group with the boys. Your personality matches theirs better than any of the other girls." Iida apologetically replied. I mumbled to myself, stalking over to the girls. They expressed their sympathy for me. "At least you didn't get put with Mineta." Toru patted my shoulder comfortingly. "I think I would've enjoyed him more. If he had done anything stupid I could've thrown him out the plane and said it was an accident since he 'scared me'." I made quotation marks in the air with my hands as I said 'scared'. "I think Iida did the best he could. He stuck you with two of the most polite and well-mannered guys in the class." Tsu added. I nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Oh well, whatever. Just a few days on this plane." I sighed, smiling at my friends.

No. They aren't friends. Just... associates I get along with. Yeah.

I scolded myself for mistaking them for friends. I couldn't make friends. It was too dangerous for them. With a final sigh, I stepped up onto the stairs, climbing aboard. The massive plane was split into four quadrants. On the left side was a large table with a half-circle booth. Further down the left side was a bunch of connecting rooms. There was a carpeted walkway in-between the two sides. On the right side there was a huge TV with gaming consoles of all sorts, and a comfortable plush rug with those ridiculously-oversized beanbags, pillows and blankets. Same thing with the rooms on the right side. "Winter?" I spun around, whacking Kirishima in the face with my tail in defense. "Sorry! I was spaced out, and you startled me so I got a little jumpy." I apologized. "N-No worries. I shouldn't have walked up behind you like that," He chuckled. "I was just wondering if you wanted to pick a room?" "Sure." I walked down the hallway towards the left side. "This one." I pointed to the second room. The door was shut still, so it's not like I went off of room views or anything. I just really wanted that one. "Okay! I'll go let Todoroki know." The red-haired boy ran back towards the front of the plane. I opened the door, staring at the beautiful room. It looked brand new, and it probably was. I looked excitedly at the leather recliners, which doubled as our seating, as it had seatbelts attached. I threw my travel backpack containing my personal belongings in one of three closets. "WOAH! This place is like a hotel room!" Kirishima basically voiced my reaction. "It is quite nice," Todoroki noted. Once we had explored the room, which consisted of the three recliners, the bedroom, the closets and a bathroom with a shower and three small cabinets for whatever toiletries we had brought, like TOOTHPASTE. "Shit I forgot my toothpaste." I groaned, sitting down and buckling the seatbelt as the intercom told us to 'please be seated and secured for takeoff'. "I brought extra. You can have a whole thing if you need." Kirishima said. "Thanks, man." I smiled. "No problem." Within a few minutes, we were up in the air. I let out a little purr as I looked out the window. For whatever reason, I absolutely loved flying. "Winter... did you just PURR?!" My roommates looked at me in shock. "Uhhhhh.... yyyyeaaaahhh.... I can do that..." I said in embarrassment. "Aw, it was so cute!" Kirishima grinned. "I AIN'T CUTE!" I snapped. Todoroki grunted from the other side of Kirishima. "The second we're allowed to unbuckle you better run." I snarled.

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