Chapter 12

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Midoriya's POV

Once the intercom said it was okay for us to get up, I went outside, only to be knocked backwards by something charging past me, followed by something else. I walked over to the dining table and sat down next to my other classmates. "Did any of you just see what happened?" I asked. They shook their heads. There was a lot of screaming and crashing coming from the back of the plane. All Might emerged from his room in the front half of the plane, stared down the hallway, panicked and ran down to the back. Kirishima walked out of his room and quickly sat down with us. "Do you know what's going on?" I frowned. "Uh... yeah..." He buried his face in his arms. 

"Don't tell me you already did something to piss off Winter." Kacchan snorted. "No! I-I didn't- ugh. Lemme explain. So Winter was looking out the window, and she purred. I said it, not her, it, was cute. She yelled at me 'I ain't cute', and Todoroki kinda grunted in disagreement. Winter told him to run, so the second we were told it was okay to unbuckle, he ran out of the room and Winter started chasing him." Kirishima muttered. "Oh the poor soul." Uraraka murmured. "Who, Winter?" I asked. "NO, you idiot! She means Todoroki!" Kacchan snapped. "Yeah, she's probably gonna kill him! What'll happen then?!" Mineta worried. There was a sudden fury of spits, hissing and cursing. I turned to see All Might struggling to drag Winter, who was in snow leopard form, towards the front of the plane. Unfortunately he wasn't in his hero form, and Winter was putting up a fight. He was trying to pull her by her back legs, but Winter was digging her claws into the carpet, rolling side to side, trying to twist his arms so he would let her go. It went on like that for a moment before she disappeared into the teachers' meeting room, and everything went quiet. After a minute or two, Todoroki crept over to us, holding an ice spike like a baseball bat. "Is it safe?" He asked. "Yes." Kirishima nodded. Kacchan was cracking up. Poor Todoroki looked like he had just been inside a blending machine, with tears in his outfit, bleeding cuts and a few bruises. "Dude did you say anything else that made her that mad?" Kaminari frowned. "No! I mean... not really... maybe... okay fine. I might've said something that upset her." My friend sat down. 

"Well, what'd you say? I wanna know in case I need to aggravate her." Kacchan asked. "I highly recommend not to say this to her, but whatever. She asked me if I had any last words, and I said 'Can you do that... purring-thing again?' Which was... a... mistake." He shuddered. "Wow." Jiro shook her head. "You two better make it up to her." Yaoyorozu stated. "How?" Kirishima questioned. "If a roommate irritated me, I'd make them give me first pick in sleeping space." She shrugged. "Wait so Winter could get the king bed all to herself?!" Kirishima panicked. "If she chose it." Uraraka replied. "OR, if you really wanted to still have a say, you could go a completely different route and ask to share the bed." Mineta smirked. Winter's two roommates turned as red as their hair while Kacchan slapped Mineta on the back of the head. "I-I think I'll let Winter choose. She can have the whole room if she wants." Todoroki stuttered.


Winter's POV

"Fine. I'll accept the apology." I tilted my head upwards a little, making sure they still knew they weren't completely forgiven, and that I was technically 'in charge' here. I stood still for a moment before deciding. "I'll take the couch." I smirked.

Little do they know that I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. They're playing right into my paw- hands. Damn, I gotta stop thinking like a cat all the time. Ah, well, just gotta wait till they're vulnerable.

I thought to myself, hiding my emotions. It was dark out, so the three of us quickly went through our nightly routines and shut the windows. "Sleep well you two." I said quietly. They were barely awake at this point, stumbling into the bedroom. I turned into a Maine Coon, jumping up onto the recliner and curling into a ball, quickly falling asleep.

I yawned, stretching my spine out, resisting the urge to claw the couch while doing so. Turning back into human form, I checked my watch for the time.

3 AM. Perfect.

I chuckled softly. I quickly began setting my plan into action.

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